Chapter 21

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Tae: about five minutes ago I guess. I just came to check on y/n. You can carry on with your work.

Nurse: ok doctor. -she went out.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. They all stood up immediately. Jungkook dared to look at tae and by the look at his face, he knew Tae has heard everything

Tae was going to attend his lecture but his heart felt restless so he thought to check on y/n first. And coming here he heard them talking about it all.

Tae: are you okay now y/n -his voice was cold yet caring.

Y/n: y-yes sir.

Tae: ok you all can go to your classes. And y/n follow me to my office. And Jungkook I'll talk to you later.

Both y/n and Jungkook's breath hitched hearing him.

Jungkook: hyu- i mean sir please. She won't do it again. Please -he didn't want y/n to get punished

Tae: I will see that. Go to your class for now

Jungkook tried again: sir please

Tae: stop it Jungkook. Don't think I forgot you. I will talk to you later. Go to your class for now.

Jungkook nodded knowing he can't convince him.

Tae: miss y/n come to my office now

Y/n nodded. One thing about her. She always gets silent when she is scared.

Tae went out while y/n followed him with heavy feet.
While the remaining three looked at each other helplessly.

Jungkook went to his class.
Eunwoo: hey bro where did you went suddenly?
Beomgyu: yeah we were waiting for you
Soobin: what happened kookie are you okay?
Chan: guys let him answer first.

Jungkook chuckled looking at them how they are worried for him. He couldn't help but smile at their care.

Jungkook: i went to check on y/n

Chan: we know this. But what took you so long?

Jungkook: landed in trouble with Mr. Kim -he mumbled knowing there's no way he could get away without answering them.

Eunwoo: oh myy! Are you out of your mind?

Soobin: what did you do kook?

Jungkook: nothing actually

Beomgyu: then?

Jungkook sighed and explained them ofcourse leaving the part that tae is his brother.

Chan: oh my god! Are you okay?

Jungkook nodded.

Soobin: did you apply ointment?

Jungkook: yes I went to infirmary to see y/n and applied it there -he felt bad for lying but he couldn't do anything.

They nodded.

In Tae's office;
Tae entered after y/n and closed the door.
While y/n was shaking already.
Tae looked at her.

Tae: do you think what you did was right? -he was calm, he couldn't yell at her

Y/n shook her head immediately: n-no I am sorry

Tae: you could have come to me or Hyung if someone was bothering you but no you choose to fall in trouble -he was calm but his voice was cold which gave shivers to y/n

Y/n sniffled: I am s-sorry

Tae sighed: what should I do with you
Y/n stayed silent.

Tae took the ruler
Tae: As much as I don't like to do this but I am ready to do it if it keeps you out of trouble. Palms out y/n!

Y/n looked at him scared but slowly put her right palm out.
Tae took the target and raised the ruler
Y/n flinched

To be continued...
Hi guys! Here's another chapter. But tell one thing. Didn't you guys get notification for previous chapter?
The reach is so low on it.

Anyways question time;
How are you liking the story?

Should Tae punish y/n?

Is his reaction justified knowing the truth?

Vote and comment your views for the next chapter. We will meet again. Take care till then🫶🏻

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