Chapter 16

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Next day morning:
Jungkook went to university with tae and Namjoon. While y/n had taken a leave because jin told her to rest.

Hobi had to go to his studio to practice for the upcoming concert that was soon.

So jimin was staying behind to take care of y/n.
After breakfast everyone left while our y/n was still sleeping. As she wasn't well so they let her rest.

Jimin took his laptop and went to y/n's room so when she wakes up she will have someone with her. And he also had to to do some important work.

Huhh god why you made my brother my boss, now I can't even rest on a day off -he mumbled fake crying looking at the work he has to do now.

What happened oppa? -y/n who wokeup sometime ago looked at him

He turned to her: oh you up princess good morning -he ruffled her long hair that were messy now because she sleeps like an octopus
Y/n: morning oppa! Now tell why were you glaring at the poor laptop

Jimin: ohh this I am just too tired to work on my day off
Y/n: so don't oppa if you don't want to

Jimin's eyes widened quickly: nooo y/niee you don't know hyung
Y/n: what oppa yoongi oppa is such a sweetie he will just scold you a little

Jimin: that offer is just for you dear. You don't know what your poor brother has to face -he fake cried
Y/n: really oppa? Is he mean in office?

Jimin: umm not mean but he is strict about work. You just saw tae and look how you and Jungkook are scared of him. Just think that tae is nothing but a cute bear in front of yoongi hyung -he huffed thinking about his old times

Y/n's mouth hung open: don't scare me now oppa

Jimin chuckled: don't worry you are his favorite. So no need to be scared. Hyungs are the sweetest but they also needed to be in control of us being the elders, so they have to be a little strict to keep things good.

Y/n: i guess you are right oppa. I really love how you guys don't judge each other even for the mistakes.

Jimin: you are a part of us too princess and being judgemental does nothing good. This is our home and it should be our comfort place. What's the point of having a home if you aren't at peace mentally at that place. Hyungs punish us if we do something wrong but after that it's forgiven. They never judged us for them.

Y/n hummed: minnie oppa you are so mature even if you are just 4 years older than me

Jimin chuckled: haha I will take that as compliment. But it's all thanks to Jin hyung. He really took care of all of us like parentd. Even some parents can't do justice to the upbringing of their kids but he has wonderfully done this.

Y/n: i agree. Jin oppa is sweetest.
Jimin: well sweetest, you haven't heard his angry rap yet. He can rap faster than any famous rapper -he laughed

Y/n also chuckled.
Jimin: hmm let's have breakfast than you have to take medicine too.

Y/n: ok oppa. Others went?
Jimin: yes kiddo
Y/n freshened up and the maid came with breakfast. Soon she was done with it. Jimin gave her the medicines

And now both of them were watching a movie. As y/n was getting bored so he was watching movie with her now forgetting his work.

While with Jungkook, the day went well. He performed very well in his test.

Timeskip to next day;
Y/n entered the classroom and saw a boy sitting at her seat.
Y/n: heyy! This is my seat

Random boy: oh I know but the new students told me to sit here
Y/n: huhh! Why would some new student tell you to sit at my seat. Who are they?

Boy: they just got transferred here yesterday. They are sitting in the 2nd last row.

Y/n huffed in confusion, she doesn't want to deal with some other crazy people early in the morning but now she had to.

She slowly turned to the last row and immediately stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened in shock

Y/n opened her mouth but she didn't know what to say when she couldn't even believe her eyes.

To be continued...
So as I promised I double updated today guys. But now we will meet in November.
Till then Bye and take care🫶🏻
Also remember me in your prayers. I have exams🙏🏻

Their Princess and His QUEENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora