Chapter 63

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Noah and Alice insisted on having dinner, so y/n just ate few bites for their satisfaction. They wanted to stay with her but they hadn't told their parents about it and y/n also assured them that she will be fine.

But as soon they left she hid herself in blanket and cried her heart out. It was the most difficult phase for her. She loved him enough to let him go. Yes she loved him. First she had thought that was just attraction but now she realized what he actually meant to her. She kept crying muffling her face in the pillow, all the memories they made in this small time came crushing to her.

She wished he had never proposed her so that they could at least kept doing those small yet cute interactions but life is hard and she can't give him anything more than that. How can she when she doesn't even have an ounce of it in herself!

How can you spread happiness when you don't even have it in yourself?

Don't know till when she kept crying till sleep finally pitied her and overcame her senses releasing her from the miseries of life.

On the other hand the boys had came back when Noah and Alice left but when they saw y/n's door locked they thought to give her some time. Moreover since it was late, they thought to talk about this tomorrow.

Well no one could sleep peacefully that night but sometimes you can't really do anything when life happens.

Next morning;

y/n woke up to the sound of her morning alarm, well it was one of the very few days when she woke up herself with the sound of alarm but she knows she has to rise from the ashes again. It was a new day, she told herself that her career is waiting for her, she doesn't have time to mourn over her lost love.

With that ted talk to herself, she got up and moved to the bathroom to freshen up.

After getting ready y/n went downstairs only to be met with all of her brothers ready for breakfast except for him.

She took a deep breathe and greeted them: good morning oppas – she smiled gently.

Everyone looked towards her suddenly, they weren't expecting her here today. y/n looked down scared of their reactions, she has hurt their brother so bad, how can they not be angry at her.

Even though she thought she could face anything but now in front of them, she was suddenly so scared that she was regretting the decision of coming in front of them. They all have given her so much love in the past few months, now she doesn't want to see disappointment in their eyes.

Oh you up baby? Good morning –Jin said with a smile.

y/n was taken aback hearing the same love filled tone. How can he not be angry at her? She looked up hesitantly and everyone wished her with the same love filled routine. For the moment everything felt so normal that she wondered if that was just a nightmare and everything is okay in real.

Why are you standing there. Come breakfast is ready – Hoseok said with his usual sunshine smile.

y/n was pulled out of her thoughts as she nodded unsure and moved towards her seat.

You sure wanna go to college Princess? Um I mean you okay? – asked Jin as she sat down.

Y/n could just nod with a "yes oppa" . their love was overwhelming her when she thought she didn't deserve it all.

Everyone nodded at her reply and started eating. They wanted to talk but her demeanor was screaming that she wanted to move on, and they didn't want to scratch her wounds.

y/n also got indulged in food, even though she didn't had appetite but she was too nervous to look into their eyes.

But she jolted when she heard the voice she was dreading the most.

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