Chapter 45

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Next morning;
Everyone was sitting at the breakfast table.
Jin: so everything okay kids? I am sorry I am just so busy past few days.

Everyone nodded mumbling a yes hyung/oppa.

Jungkook: y/n you done with shopping.
Y/n: yeah! We had lots of fun yesterday.

Hoseok: that's good.
Namjoon: so hyungs you all are invited to our university for the event.

Jin nodded but Yoongi being him interrupted:    Jin hyung will go with the kids. I am fine here -he was cut off by a smack on his head by none other than Jin

Jin: we all are going. I don't need anymore discussion okay?
Everyone chuckled. The second eldest getting scolded by eldest was a rare sight.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes at his excited dongsaengs.

Namjoon: and kookie I have also altered your schedule for practice. It will be three days for a week now.

Jungkook flashed a smile: thankyou hyung -he loves playing basketball but sometimes he gets so tired after practicing immediately after classes.

Jimin looked at Taehyung: everything good? -he whispered
Taehyung nodded grinning.
Jimin: that's great.

And that's how the breakfast ended at Kim mansion.
After breakfast everyone left to their respective works.

In the university;
Y/n was having a great day with her friends as everywhere the preparations were going on about the event. So the professors weren't really strict about studies.

But that's when Mr. Kang ( idk what name I gave him in the previous chapter hehe I am such an absent minded person) decided to drop the bomb on their heads.

Yess he came to the class with their test papers. Everyone sat down straight seeing the papers in his hand.

Mr. Kang: Class I have checked your papers and trust me I am not happy with the results.

Y/n's palms were sweating by now. She was suddenly scared of the consequences.

He started distributing the papers name by name. Most of the students had failed the exam including Noah and Alice.

It was y/n's turn now. She took the paper with shaky hands but when she turned it thankfully she had passed. She had a D grade but still it was better than an F.

But she was still feeling guilty about her friends. She looked at them apologetically who nodded in assurance and mouthed an it's okay.

Mr. Kang spoke again: okay so all of you have checked your papers. Is there any mistake?
No one said anything.

Mr. kang: hmm so I am not taking the matter to principal because this is the first time but I need all of your guardians signatures on it by tomorrow or else I will call your guardians here myself and the principal will be involved too. And Don't think that I will forget it because of the event taking place, it is the day after tomorrow and I will check your papers tomorrow itself -there was dead silence in the room as he spoke.

Everyone wanted to groan hearing this but they knew better. They have already messed up enough.

Students: yes sir

Mr. Kang: and don't even think of skipping school tomorrow or I will have your guardians involved. now those who have an F on their exams stand up.
Almost half of the class stood up.

He took a wooden ruler from his desk and went towards the first row. Like this he gave them three on each palm.

Y/n wanted to cry. Seeing her best friends getting punished was the thing she never wanted to do but luck always have other plans.

After Mr. Kang's lecture got over.
It was Lunch break now.

Y/n and her friends were sitting in the classroom which was empty by now. Y/n was applying ointment to their palms while blowing air on them.

I am sorry -y/n looked down.
Noah: that's not your fault dumbo
Alice: yeahh But now think about the signatures part. What will we do?

Noah: ofcourse the same we used to do.
Alice: copying it?
Noah: yeah. I can't afford ruining my parents mood just before the event night.

Alice: me too.
Y/n: but guys -
Alice: no buts. We can't ruin our parents mood. In turn it will ruin our mood too.

Y/n: aisshhh! Listen to me at least. I don't know the signatures of any of my brothers. And I can't copy my parents signatures as they aren't here.

Noah: ohh that's the problem.
Alice: waitt. You can ask Mr. Kim to sign it.

Y/n: no way are you out of your mind. Mr. Kang will always snitch to him if he knows about us. Moreover he is not my guardian.

Noah: how about Jungkook?
Y/n: he is not -she was cut off by a voice

What about Jungkook? -asked Jungkook standing there leaning on the desk. Behind him was his group of friends too. When they didn't find them at cafeteria they came here to check on them.

Y/n: huhh! Umm no nothing.
Jungkook: y/n -he called her with full name means he is serious.

Y/n just looked down.
He looked at Noah and raised a brow
Noah sighed before telling him the whole ordeal.

Jungkook: aishh! Why do you do things like this kiddo?
Y/n didn't say anything.

Alice: how about you sign it Jungkook?
Jungkook: are you guys dumb I am also a student here. Ofcourse Mr. Kang won't accept it.

Y/n: what do I do now. I don't know anyone's signatures -she huffed.

Noah kept looking at Jungkook
Jungkook: now what?
Noah: you must know your brother's signatures.

Jungkook: no wayyy! I don't want to get beaten. Keep me out of this.

Y/n: koo you won't help your baby sister -she suddenly changed her tone as she pouted showing him the puppy eyes.

Jungkook: aishh don't show me these eyes. I am telling you both of us will be dead meat if hyung knows -he meant Namjoon by hyung but as his friends don't know he didn't mention him. Nonetheless y/n knew what he was saying.

Y/n: don't worry Mr. Kang said he won't involve principal sir this time.
Noah: moreover we have an event night next day and then holidays for two days. Everyone will forget this.

Jungkook just sighed. He knew what trouble he was getting himself into. Yoongi will skin him alive he knows that Jungkook copied his signatures.

His friends also asked him to help her. Finally he nodded heartlessly.

Jungkook: give your papers.
Y/n kept her papers in front of him.

Jungkook: seriously Y/n -he glared at her seeing a D

Y/n just smiled sheepishly.
Jungkook gulped before signing it with Yoongi's signatures as he is their legal guardian registered in the university.

Others hooted and Eunwoo said: finally it done. Now let's eat something guys I am starving

Jungkook rolled his eyes: yeah yeah I know
Soobin: let's go

To be continued...
How are you all?  I am good.
I finally updated after so many days. I am just so busy.

How's the chapter?

Do you think Jungkook will get in trouble for this?

Should he have helped y/n or not?

Who wants Taehyung and y/n's moments on the event night? Give me your ideas too pls.

And shower my notifications with your votes and comments if you want the next chapter soon. I was thinking of a double update as you guys have waited for so long but now I don't think I can write one more chapter till night. So maybe tomorrow but again that depends on your response.

Till then take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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