Chapter 6

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At the university gate;
Jungkook and Y/n: bye hyungs/oppas
Jimin: bye loves. Have a good day

Yoongi: bye kids, study well and don't create troubles- he was saying but as usual hearing the name of studies these two immediately went inside.

Y/n: aish kook why didn't anyone woke me up early. See we are 5 minutes late. Thank god we don't have that coldie's first lecture today.

Jungkook: for your kind information miss y/n i did wake you up that too 3 times and who is that coldie now-he chuckled

Y/n: well that's a long story I will tell you later. Bye -saying this she immediately went to the classroom. Thankfully the teacher was also late today.

The day went well and now it was Taehyung's lecture at last.

He came in the class at the exact time, wished the students with a cold face and started teaching.

Tae: ok so class I hope you understand what we studied today. Any questions?
Class nodded as no.

Tae: okay then we have last 15 minutes pls submit your assignments to my desk.

Y/n turned to take her assignment of the backpack but jolted when she couldn't find it.

Just then she remembered that she didn't put it in her backpack and it was still lying on her study table. Fu*kkk -she cursed under her breath- this cannot be happening -she groaned. She can't do anything now. Tae will definitely not believe her.

Tae: these are so less assignments. Those who didn't submit pls stand up yourself.
A few students stood up. Tae looked at them and sighed.

Tae: There are more. Stand up on your on otherwise if I check these you won't like the consequences -his voice stone sharp

Some more students stood up, Y/n took a deep breath and stood up with shaky legs. She is already tearing up.

Tae: do you have a solid excuse? And pls don't waste my time with lame excuses like I forgot it at home or my dog ate it

No one spoke as they were already shivering under his sharp glare.

Y/n's breath hitched hearing him. The little hope in her heart died off as she heard him not believing her reason. She decided to not speak anything and just take what was about to come her way.

Tae: ok then you don't have any reason, miss xyz (you can use any name here) pls bring me the cane from office.

The random xyz girl: o-okay sir -even though she wasn't the one getting punished she still was scared of tae.

The girl came and handed him the cane.
Tae went to the first student and told: hands out and palms up

The boy shakingly brought his hand out. Tae hit him hard for 5 times. The boy was tearing up at the pain.

Y/n closed her eyes not to see it but she flinched hearing the hits of cane and whimpering of students.

She was in the 2nd row. After dealing with the first row tae came to her.

She looked down and shakingly brought her palm out. Her legs were ready to give up any moment. Tae noticed her condition she was shaking badly. He doesn't know why he felt bad for her. In these three days he has noticed enough that she is not a troublemaker kid.

Y/n was waiting for the pain closing her eyes. She slowly opened them when she didn't felt any. She saw him staring at her

Tae: why didn't you do the assignment.
Y/n gulped hardly: I- I forgot s-sir -she looked down.
Tae sighed and placed the cane ok her palm to take the target.

Y/n flinched and closed her eyes.
Tae raised the cane high and brought it down harshly on her palm.

She flinched hardly and grasped the desk with other hand when an excruciating pain shot through her palm.

Tae did felt so bad for her but he couldn't be partial towards any student so he kept punishing her just like others.

By the end Y/n was now choking on her breath due to crying. He didn't help her and went to next student.

Tae: so class I hope you learned your lesson to never take your studies lightly.
We will meet again on Monday. Till then bye. Saying this he went out.

Almost everyone except few students was crying hardly in the class.

It was leaving time. Y/n didn't had any strength in her to do anything but still she wiped her eyes and took her backpack and slowly went out. There she saw Jungkook at the gate waiting for her.

He saw he coming towards him and waved at her.
Jungkook: hi yniee
Y/n: h-hi kook

Jungkook: huh what happened to you. Are you crying? Are you okay
Y/n: yeah I am good. It's just I'm not feeling well.

Jungkook: your whole face is red and you are saying you are okay. No let's go to jin hyung he will check you.

Y/n: no kook pls I just want to go home and rest. She sniffled. Pls kook.
Jungkook: ok if you say so but if you're feeling bad pls tell me.

Y/n: ok I will. Promise. Let's go home please.
The driver came and both of them went to home.

No one was at home at that time. Y/n straightly went to her room and cried herself to sleep.

The pain in her hand didn't even decrease one percent. This was the first time she got hit by someone. She didn't know how to deal with it.

Jungkook came to her room and saw her sleeping. Her face stained with dry tear marks. He was worried for her. He didn't know what happened to her. He couldn't see her hand due to blanket. He slowly kissed her forehead and went out of the room and asked the maid to prepare soup for y/n.

Even though there's not much age difference between Jungkook and y/n but he still sees her as his little sister and he gets so worried whenever she is in pain.

No matter how much he teases her, he would always take scoldings in her place from his hyungs. He is so much protective of her.

Meanwhile with tae;
Tae went straight to hospital after university but he doesn't know why his heart is restless. He couldn't focus on his work and for that he even got a scolding from Jin. This was the first time Jin actually scolded him after coming back. And it was making him sensitive too because Jin is not only his boss but his hyung, his safe place to hide from the world. Anyways he kept on working with a heavy heart.

To be continued...

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