Chapter 39

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After y/n's classes ended, she came back alone with driver as Jungkook still had practice.

She did the lunch with Tae as usual and shared the details of her day ofcourse leaving the test thing. It was becoming a habit for both of them to do lunch together and share about their days.

Even though she was happy that Tae wouldn't have to bear this pain after a couple of days, she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart thinking how they would again go their ways and she wouldn't have him to fill the details of her day.

There was nothing different with Taehyung too. He was getting so used to of her presence around him.

Anyways after lunch Y/n went to take a nap. Taehyung was simply scrolling through the Instagram reels. He found this interesting these days as he had nothing else to do.

Timeskip; (after two more days, because I don't know what to write anymore hehe)

It was weekend now. Taehyung was done with his treatment and he will be starting his job from monday again.

Y/n haven't gotten her exams paper back. But she have almost forgotten it.

Today was the day Yoongi was coming back. All of them were so excited and happy.

Finally he arrived in seoul. Only Jin went to the airport to pick him up while others were busy doing preparations for his arrival.

He came home and everyone welcomed him with warm smiles and hugs. The day passed in a blur. They were happiest as he was done with his work and was finally back permanently.

He brought lots of gifts for them.
Only one person was nervous about Yoongi's arrival.

Yes it was jimin. He was working so hard because Yoongi had trusted him with such a big position. But now he was scared. What if his work is not upto yoongi's expectations.

The fear of disappointing his hyung was scaring him alot.

Ofcourse Yoongi did notice.

After dinner;
Jimin was now standing infront of yoongi.

Yoongi opened his one arm: come to hyung minnie.

Jimin looked at him for a moment then jumped in the hug. He wanted nothing more than this right now.

Yoongi kept on hugging and caressing his back soothingly for some time.
Then he spoke after few minutes.

Yoongi: why are you so stressed baby? Its it about work?
Jimin stiffened at the question. And that was it for yoongi to understand.

Yoongi: Jimin look at me -he was calm but his tone held authority.

Jimin mentally whimpered hearing his full name, but looked at him slowly.

Yoongi: is there something that I don't know?
Jimin immediately shook his head. He didn't do anything wrong.

Yoongi: can I trust you?
Jimin: yes hyung. I swear there's nothing like this -he was suddenly confident as he knew he didn't do anything wrong.

Yoongi: then how's it?
Jimin looked down.

Yoongi: if it is about work. I know my baby would have done best. Even if something goes wrong it's not your fault as long as you don't do anything like this. So always remember, hyung is so proud of you -he pecked jimin's forehead.

Jimin teared up hearing this. This was probably the first time yoongi said he is proud of his work and hearing this from the person who is your literal inspiration was making Jimin overwhelmed.

Yoongi ofcourse knew his state of mind so he just provided him the comfort he needed without anymore words.

Next day Yoongi checked the office details and he was really impressed with jimin's work. So he promoted Jimin to a higher post.

Everyone was so happy for Jimin.
In the evening, all of them went out for dinner to celebrate his success.

Taehyung had already joined hospital from today. And he will be joining university from tomorrow.

Y/n was kinda nervous about it because he was more of a friend to her now than a professor. As much as all of the students want him back, she wasn't ready to face Mr. Kim again.
Her TaeTae was much better than him.

But life doesn't always work out the way you want it to be.

It was finally the day, Taehyung was joining the university again. Both y/n and Jungkook were happy as well as nervous.

And Namjoon just dropped the news in morning that he will be merging some lectures of Taehyung to reduce the workload on him.

Y/n and Jungkook's classes were having the same lecture of Taehyung and this was the best news they received today.

(I know Jungkook is in 2nd year and y/n in first but this is fiction and anything is possible in your imagination so just assume that y/n and Jungkook are studying the same thing from Taehyung, so they will be having the same lecture from now on)

Taehyung entered the lecture theater, everyone stood up and wished him respectfully. They were very happy today.

Even though they despised him because of how strict he is, but in the last week everyone realized how good of a teacher he is and how much they missed his lectures.

He smiled at the students and told them to sit back. His eyes immediately searched for y/n and eventually he found her.

She was in the last row along with her friends and Jungkook's gang.

He sighed looking at them. He has to deal with a bunch of backbenchers together now.

Taehyung: so class today we won't be studying further, you guys can ask any doubts from your previous lectures

The students bowed in respect and thanked him genuinely. He just gave a small smile in return. After that they started asking him their doubts one by one.

To be continued...

Hiii! How are you all?
I am good.

I just updated a new chapter. I was busy a lot in past few days so I couldn't update earlier. Thankyou for your patience.
I couldn't even check your comments. But now I will try to update soon.

So how's the chapter?
I felt like the story is proceeding too slow so I made this chapter like this. I will move the story forward in the next chapter.

Please do lots of inline comments and votes if you want the next update soon.

Thankyou for reading.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones🫶🏻

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