Chapter 43

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Vmin went out and had a good quality time together. They wanted to do the dinner outside but then decided otherwise as they knew better than to make Jin angry as Tae had said he wasn't feeling well.

Y/n came home after college. She was feeling a bit better now. But thinking about Taehyung, her heart couldn't help skipping a beat.

She had grew quite comfortable with him in last few days. But today proved otherwise. She doesn't know whether to feel scared or angry on him.

She just had her lunch and took a good nap. Jungkook and Namjoon were already back when she was sleeping.

Others were still not here. They were done with freshening up when y/n woke up and came downstairs.

She just greeted them and crashed on the couch of living room. She had taken a long nap but she was still sleepy.

Namjoon: How are your studies going kids? -he just thought to start a conversation but seeing the look on their faces arose a suspicion in him.

Jungkook took a look at Y/n. And she looked at him pleadingly while she practically gulped.

Namjoon: all okay here? -he raised a brow
Y/n: y-yes oppa. College is going good -she forced a smile

Namjoon looked at Jungkook who nodded immediately.

Namjoon: ok if you say so. Then why so nervous. I am not your principal here. So take a chill now.

Both of them just smiled hesitantly.
Namjoon: so how about shopping now? The funfair is this weekend -he successfully diverted the topic.

Jungkook: oh yeah hyung! It's just 3 more days. Why didn't they announced it yet?
Namjoon: it will be announced tomorrow itself.

Jungkook: ohh okay -he nodded- but I don't really get time for shopping after practice.
Namjoon: you don't really have to work this hard Jungkookie you know.

Y/n was just lazily listening to them. Too sleepy to take part in conversation. She was just here to eat dinner so she can sleep again.

Jungkook: I know hyung. But I love this. And you know I- I might become the captain of my team -he shyly smiled.

Namjoon: that's great. I am proud of you -he ruffled Jungkook's hair- but I will ask the management to make changes in the practice schedule. You need to study too. Exams are around the corner.

Jungkook: Thankyou hyung.
Y/n now looking at them with fully opened and longing eyes. No one has ever said to her so directly that they are proud of her.

It's always, if she achieves one thing, her parents would simply focus on the next one. It was a kind of home where anyone would be embarrassed to express their emotions whether it's love or sorrow.

Namjoon seemed to notice her
Namjoon: I am proud of you too kiddo

Y/n was caught off gaurd: for- for what oppa? -she asked with a thick voice to mask her emotions.

Namjoon:for simply being yourself. for how you deal with everything. For being so understanding and for taking your studies so well -he ruffled her hairs too.

Y/n just nodded. She doesn't know how to express gratitude. She wished, she could utter a thankyou as easily as Jungkook but it wasn't this easy for her.

Yeah! She opened to Jin that day. But she needs time to get this comfortable with showing her emotions as she has been masking it for almost whole life.

She wasn't a bad kid. Nor her parents were bad parents. But she was an intelligent kid. So her parents always expected the best of her. And always living under the wait of hopes and expectations turned her into a people pleaser. But her parents were too busy flexing her achievements to other people that they forgot to notice this.

And if she does a mistake or something wrong, they would always compare her with other kids. They didn't knew the trauma it caused to her. They thought it would encourage her to do better but it was simply taking a toll on her mental health.

She was an easy child. And that's something she really hates about herself. She saw how other kids would make a fuss for anything and she could only wish if she could do the same. Only if she had the guts to cry for attention. Only if she had the guts to ask for anything she wants without feeling embarrassed. Only if she could express what's going inside her.

Y/n came out of her trance when she heard a loud voice of Jimin saying they are home.

She expected to greet Yoongi and Jimin but much to her dismay it was Tae with him and not yoongi.

Vmin came after freshening up and settled beside them. Namjoon asked them about their day.

Y/n and Jungkook shared a glance. Y/n couldn't look up to meet Taehyung's gaze.

So both of them just sat there nervously.
Thankfully, Jin entered just then. And the all the attention diverted to him.

After sometime, Yoongi also came followed by Hoseok. And now they were all settled on the dinning table.

Tae was stealing her glances worriedly. He needed to talk to her but now is not the right time. So he decided he will do it tomorrow.

Y/n was continuously fidgeting aware of Taehyung's gaze. Jungkook held her hand under the table and squeezed it in a reassuring manner while he mouthed an "it's okay" to her.

Y/n could just nod.
Jimin also saw this exchange between them and he could only sigh.

While the hyung line was completely oblivious of it.

Next morning;

They were already at university.
In the first lecture funfair was announced. And everyone was excited so the first two lectures passed in a blur.

Taehyung entered the lecture theater as soon as the bell rang. He greeted the class and his heart absolutely broke seeing the last bencher gang sitting away from each other. He had scared the poor kids too much.

Anyhow he started the lecture. And it went on smoothly. Occasionally his eyes would meet y/n's but she was quick to avert her gaze.

He was about to leave the classroom as the bell rang but he stopped and turned around.

Taehyung: Eunwoo
Eunwoo immediately stood up startled: y-yes sir

Taehyung: follow me to my office
Eunwoo just nodded. He tried to recall any trouble but he didn't do anything today.

But his friends were looking at him with worried eyes. He just nodded assuringly to them and went out following Mr. Kim.

Taehyung entered the office first with Eunwoo following him obediently.

Taehyung sat down on his chair behind the table while Eunwoo stood in front of him obediently with his head bowed down.

Taehyung: sit down
Eunwoo looked at him surprise.

Taehyung just nodded. He sat down hesitantly.

To be continued...

Hi! A new chapter it is!
I had planned to complete the apology thing today but I don't know when I start to write, I just put so much details in a single scene, so I couldn't complete it in this chapter.

Anyhow I will do it tomorrow I guess.
And yeah I am better now. I am writing to divert my mind to something else and I think it's working.

Let's do question answer thing today!

Who is your favorite character in the book?

Your favorite scene until this chapter?

Something that you don't like about the book or some scene you don't like?

And now about yourself.
Any funny or embarrassing memory about your school?
I will share mine too then.

Thankyou if you read till now.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
And also do lots of comments for and votes for the next chapter.

One more thing, I updates me oneshots book too today after many days. Check it out please (puppy eyes🥺)

Their Princess and His QUEENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora