Chapter 73: Where's Harper

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We just celebrated his Birthday and our Anniversary. He took me to New York City for four days for our Anniversary. 

We had an amazing time; we shopped and went to several shows. We walked around the Statue of Liberty and bought tickets to go to the crown of the statue. That was a lot of stairs, one hundred and sixty-two to be exact. 

He bought our tickets two months before our trip, and he surprised me with the trip, tickets to shows, and everything else two days before our anniversary. 

I had already taken him to dinner, and we went away for one night to San Fransico to enjoy his birthday since he could now legally drink. He had a few drinks, and then we went back to our motel, which was the best night ever.

I swear alcohol makes him turn into the energizer bunny when we make love. I'm not complaining cause my man has the moves in the bedroom. We spent the day walking around and riding the trolley, then went home to our kids. 

We went to Times Square and Rockefeller Center, walked around Central Park, and attended a few shows. It was a wonderful trip. I saw so much with my husband that I may have never been able to see alone. 

In four years, we have visited Cancan, Laguna Beach, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Florida, Italy, Big Bear, the Bahamas, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and now New York City. 

We walked around the city holding hands and rode the subway, and it was just nice to spend time together. We even went for a carriage ride. 

We flew back home with tons of souvenirs for our parents and our kids. Destiny was good; I pumped plenty of breast milk for her. We spoke to the kids every night.

It was a great vacation. Brennen wasn't returning to work until tomorrow. I had some errands to run, and he was going to watch the kids.  

"Are you sure you can handle all three kids, baby? I can take Destiny with me if that will be easier."

"No, go do everything you need to do. I can take care of our kids. You do it every day, so I'm sure I can handle it for a few hours."

"Okay, if you need me, call me. I love you, Brennen, and thank you for watching them." 

"I will, baby. I love you, Harper, and of course, they are my responsibility as well." She kissed him and left. 

She went to Target and got diapers for Destiny, new clothes for all the kids, and new clothes for herself. They outgrew their clothes so fast. Thankfully, she could pass Blake's down to Cole, and Aubrey's down to Destiny. She also got some cleaning supplies and things they needed around the house. 

She went to the mall and grabbed some cute clothes for all the kids. She bought herself a few outfits and Brennen a new pair of tennis shoes. She stopped at the food court and got some lunch. She called Brennen just to check on the kids.

"Hey, baby girl."

"Hey, sweetie, how's it going?"

"It's going great. The kids are doing fine, and we're having fun playing around."

"That's good. I'm sure they are having fun spending time with their daddy."

"Yes, they are having a blast. We have done piggyback rides and hide and go-seek. I fixed them lunch. So, enjoy your time by yourself."

"Okay, well, I already finished at Target. I'm at the mall now. I grabbed some lunch. Did you eat lunch, or do you want me to pick you up something?" 

"No, I ate lunch with the kids. Are you going to pick Blake up?"

"Yes, I have forty-five minutes before I need to leave and get him. I will set my alarm, and then we will be home after I pick him up from school."

"Okay, baby, see you in about ninety minutes. You always get to his school too early. It will only take you fifteen minutes from the mall to his school."

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