Chapter 67: Welcome to our family

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Two weeks later:

Destiny Faith Scott was born two days ago, on August 8th. She weighed six pounds eight ounces and was nineteen inches long. She has dark hair and dark blue eyes, and she is so perfect. Yes, we changed her middle name after she was born. 

All of our kids are perfect, and we are so thankful for that. I have scheduled my tubal to be performed in two weeks, and Brennen scheduled his vasectomy for the day after mine.

We will need someone to drive, so we scheduled them a day apart. That way, by my six-week checkup, we will both be healed and ready to go.

We are completely smitten with our new addition, our last baby. We have two boys and two girls. She is so beautiful I can't stop looking at her. 

I think the reason I can't stop is that I know she is our last. Once she is weaned from breastfeeding, that will never happen again, and when she crawls for the first time, we will never be so excited again. When she takes her first steps, those will be the last first steps for us. Everything she does it will be the last time. 

I am so thankful I am not working or taking classes and can actually just enjoy time with her. I am going to hold on a little tighter simply because she is our last. Right now, all of our kids enjoy being held and holding our hands, but one day, it will be the last time. I just want to enjoy them little as long as I can. 

My kids and my husband are my main focus. I want to cherish every laugh, smile, and hug from them as long as I can possibly can. I want our kids to know we are their parents first but also their friends. They can talk to us about anything. 

Brennen secretly hopes one of the boys will share his passion so he can pass the business on to them. For the next six weeks, I am going to soak up the time with all my kids and my husband—except for Blake, who starts Pre-K next week.

It is killing me to know my baby will be going off without me for a half-day every day. I pray he has a good teacher who will help him progress and learn. He is very smart and a fast learner. He knows his entire alphabet and all of his colors, can count to fifteen, and can write his name. 

Aubrey has learned her alphabet, can count to seven, and knows the main colors. However, I still have a year before she goes to Pre-K. 

I am sitting on the couch just holding our daughter and enjoying her cute little breaths as she sleeps in my arms. 

Cole, Blake, and Aubrey are in the playroom, and Brennen is in the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle of water for me. He smiles as he sits down beside me. I lean into the crook of his arm and we both smile at our newborn daughter. 

"She is perfect, just like our other three. Thank you, Harper, for giving me my beautiful kids. Thank you for saying yes and agreeing to spend the rest of our life together. This is all I ever wanted from the first moment I locked eyes with you. I may have had a kid with another woman, but not by my choice. My choice has always been you, and it will always be you. Now, I get to raise all four of our beautiful children with you by my side. I love you so much, baby."

"Yes, she is perfect, and so are our other three. They are all perfect, handsome, and beautiful. You are welcome, and thank you for giving me four beautiful children to raise. I had no choice because I was completely under your spell after that first weekend at Jace's. Yes, you did, and I am thankful for him because now we have a handsome son who made our family whole. My choice is you; it has always been you, and it will always be you. Yes, we get to raise these four amazing children together. I love you so much, babe." He leaned in and kissed her a sweet, gentle kiss.

They sat together, just enjoying their time together as parents of a newborn while she slept in her arms. Brennen held her finger as his wife was nestled in his arms. This is the perfect life, he thought to himself.  

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