Chapter 72: Cole's Second Birthday

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Nine days later:

Today is Cole's Birthday party. He is two and getting so big. We get to have his party on his actual birthday since he and Aubrey are nine days apart.

Brennen mowed the grass again last night and hedged the bushes this time. I saw Devin across the street and waved as he watched us. 

The guys showed up with their girlfriends this time. Becky and Cierra for the party. We met Becky just a few nights ago we all went to dinner while our parents watched the kids. A night out was nice we needed it. 

We had dinner and went to a movie. Brennen had his arm wrapped around me the entire movie. We fed each other popcorn, and the movie was funny. 

We came with the kids and watched a new movie with the kids last weekend. We enjoyed time together, and then we headed to pick up our kids. 

We picked them up and took them home. We bathed them and put them to bed. The next day, I spent wrapping presents and getting ready for Cole's birthday. 

Now, today is his party, and we are decorating. Well, the guys are decorating while I tell them where to put everything.

The kids are playing in the yard. I have to take Cole in and get him his birthday outfit. He is getting so big, and I can't believe my kids are growing up. 

Our baby Destiny is three months old now. Where has the time gone? She is getting big so fast—too fast, in fact, that I have been able to enjoy her being little.

Blake is doing so well in school. He has made so many friends, and he loves it. We have playdates with his friends. 

Brennen is working most days as he finishes his last year of school. He crammed five years into four, so this will be his last year. 

So, many things are changing. Our house is being built. They poured the foundation, framed the basement and the first floor, and are now framing the second floor. The second floor is where all the kid's rooms will be. Ours is actually going to be in the basement next to the pool. 

The entire basement level is our bedroom. He is going to make a billiard room, an office, and a gym downstairs.

The main level will have a kitchen, dining room, living room, media room, and den, along with two bedrooms, a library, and another office.

The second floor will have four bedrooms for the kids, each with its own bathroom, a living room, a game room, and a room for them to do their homework with books and other study materials. 

He is adding a third level with three bedrooms for guests, a living room, and a kitchen area. There will be two bathrooms on the main level, six on the second level, and two on the third level.

Our bedroom will have one bathroom with a sauna, a huge shower, and a tub. He said our closets would be huge. He is excited about the home he designed for us so he can see his dream home finished.

It sounds amazing the way he has described it to me. There is a surprise in our room he hasn't told me about yet. 

It should be finished next year before Blake starts Kindergarten; we are hoping to move in around June.

We were notified last week that Stacy Bridgette's mother was released on parole. So, Brennen has made sure our house is locked up tight. 

It's time to get Cole dressed. "Cole, let's go inside and put on your new birthday outfit."

"Okay, Mama." He took my hand, and we walked inside. I wiped him down and put on his new outfit. He is almost potty trained. I put a pull-up on him today because I didn't want him to have an accident because he was playing or anything.

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