Chapter 24: We were the best of friends

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So, my best friends will arrive today. I am still shocked that their moms agreed to let them fly out here alone to attend my wedding. 

It has been almost nine months since I last saw them. We talk at least once a week, not as much as when I first moved here. 

I found a picture of us for our seventh-grade dance. We were all dressed up and ready to party, although it wasn't much of a party, and hardly anyone danced.

Kasey wore a black dress, I wore a white one, and JoJo wore a dark red one. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. 

I had a crush on Samuel, and he was nice when he smiled and waved. Yet, he had never actually spoken to me. I was really hoping he would ask me to dance, but he never did. 

Now, my two best friends are flying in for my wedding. Yet both of them lost their virginity way before me. They called me the last pure one. 

This morning, Brennen woke me up by kissing my chest and neck. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes, and we were making love. After we finished, we showered and got dressed. We went upstairs for some breakfast. 

"What do you want, Bunny?"

"Um, some eggs, bacon, and toast sounds good."

"Okay, scrambled or fried?"

"Scrambled, please."

"Alright, I will be back with your coffee while I start breakfast."

"Thank you."

"So, he brings you coffee, and he cooks for you?" Lorraine asked. 

"Yes, he is very sweet like that. I have tried to tell him I can cook our breakfast, but he will not listen."

"I do have to give it to the boy. He waits on her hand and foot, getting her water, tea, soup, food, and anything else she needs," Carrie said.

"Well, that's good. Just don't take advantage, sweetie. That will run a man off so fast," Elizabeth said. 

"Nana, I rarely ask him to do anything for me, he is always volunteering."

"She is correct. She doesn't ask me to do stuff for her, but I enjoy taking care of her. She is carrying my child this is the least I can do."  

"Harper, it seems you have a good one here. Don't let him get away," Lorraine said.

"I have no plans on it. Yes, I really do." She leaned in and kissed him. 

He went back to the kitchen and cooked their breakfast. He brought their plates out and sat down with her. They both ate their breakfast and he poured her some orange juice. He opened her prenatal vitamins and gave her one. 

When they finished, he cleaned their dishes. Kasey had already called her and said they were boarding the plane while they were eating. 

"Hey, babe, are you ready? They will be here soon?"

"Yes, I am, sweetheart. Okay, ladies we will see you guys later." They all said bye, and they left. He helped her in the jeep, and then he got in. Her grandmothers stood at the window and watched them. 

Rebecca's plane would be here around the same time as theirs. So, they were picking them all up. He parked in the arrival area and helped her out. He leaned against the car as she pressed against him. 

Rebecca stepped out and saw them. "There's my idiotic baby brother and his fabulous girlfriend, who is about to be my sister in three days." She ran over and hugged them. He put her bag in the back while they were talking. "Well, let's go, little bro."

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