Chapter 18: Time to speak to the parents

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So, it has been two weeks, and we have all the information we need to speak with them. Harper has agreed to let me do the talking because she will get too nervous.

She is so afraid her parents won't allow us to see each other anymore. I told her they couldn't do that if we were going to have a baby.

"We will be a family, and they can't stop us. Baby, I really don't think the odds are going to be in our favor on the pregnancy. I really think you are pregnant. It's only been two weeks, honestly. I have my mind wrapped around it I think I would be crushed if you weren't." 

"This, our baby, is our way to be together now. We will no longer live in our parents' houses. We will be together in our own home. Bunny, I love you so much. I never thought I would want just one girl or even consider marriage. I sure as hell didn't consider having a baby. Then you came into my life, and I want all of it with you."

She leaned in and kissed me, "I want all of that with you too, Brennen, even at sixteen. My friends back home would never believe this. I need to call Kasey and JoJo one day; it's been forever."

"Yeah, you do, and I would like to meet them. I know we sound crazy, and I am trying to rush this perfect, happy life with you, but the way I look at it, the sooner we get started, the longer we have to live it. Maybe we will get to share sixty anniversaries together or more."

"Okay, let's go talk to our parents. Let's discuss this and hope they agree and allow us to get married. What are we going to do if they don't?"

"We will be emancipated if they won't sign the papers. We probably won't get the answer we want today, but once they decide it is the best thing, they will agree to allow us to get married."

They walked into her house and up the stairs to the main part of the house. She held onto him for dear life. Their parents were sitting on the couch laughing. They won't be laughing in a minute when we break this news, he thought. 

"Hey, kids. How was school?"


"They make such a lovely couple," His mom said.

"Yes, they really do," her mom agreed. 

"So, we asked you both here to discuss something very important. A few weeks ago, Harper and I took the next step, and we started sleeping together."

"Harper, you promised to speak to us before you took that step," her dad said angrily.

"I told you and Mom both I was close to taking that final step." 

"Okay, so why are you telling us this?"

"Because, Dad, something happened."

"Oh no, she's..."

"Yes, she is pregnant. We have spoken to the principal and discussed things in great depth. We want to get married before the baby comes."

"What? That can't be. Harper, how could you we taught you how to be responsible?" Her dad stated. 

"It wasn't on purpose; we used protection. It failed and broke."

"So, we want to get married. The principal has scheduled a test for Harper and me; if we pass it, we will graduate in May. We have both looked at online classes for our college degrees, and I am looking for a full-time job. I have saved a little money from my current job to pay our bills for a few months."

"You both are so young, only sixteen. Harper, you have always been so responsible, I am just shocked," her mom said.    

"I will be seventeen in two weeks, and Harper will be seventeen before the baby arrives. We asked you here to discuss and agree to allow us to get married. The sooner, the better. I don't want her to deal with any problems at school, and I am stepping up to take responsibility for my actions." 

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