Chapter 54: Court Hearing

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So, the next morning, Brennen was really sore. He moaned and groaned through most of the night. I heard Blake waking up and talking. I slowly eased out of bed and got dressed. I walked into the nursery.

He stood up and smiled. He held his arms up and smiled. "Good Morning there, sweet boy. How did you sleep, sweetheart?"


"Okay, let me check your pull-up, and then I will go fix you some breakfast." She felt his pull-up. "Good boy, you are dry. Do you want to go use the big boy potty?"

He shook his head, and they went into the bathroom; she got the step stool and put it there. She helped him stand up. He tried to use the potty but got it everywhere. 

"I sorry, I bad."

"No, sweetheart, you aren't bad. It was an accident. I will clean it up after I get you some breakfast."

"I not in trouble."

"No, sweetheart, you aren't in trouble. Let's wash our hands, then go get you some food for that tummy." He laughed as she tickled him.

Brennen had woken up when he heard her talking. He listened to her talking to his son. Fuck he was sore this morning. He tried to sit up as easily as he could. He went to the bathroom and hobbled downstairs. 

Harper had sat Blake in Aubrey's high chair and had him in the kitchen with her. She was talking to him.

"Blake, do you like pancakes?"


"Perfect. I will make you some pancakes. I gotta figure out what you like. It looks like I am going to need to do a taste test one day to let you try things. When Daddy gets up, I am going to go shopping to get you some new clothes and shoes. We also need toys, but you can go with me for that, and I need to buy furniture for your room because sissy will be coming back today."

"Morning, baby."

"Oh, good morning, babe. How are you feeling this morning?"  

"Sore, very sore. My entire body aches. I feel like I was run over by a Mack truck. How did you sleep, sweetheart?"

"I slept well, especially after everything we did last night. You didn't sleep so well. I heard you moan and groan most of the night. I'm making pancakes. Once I finish, I need to go shopping for Blake."

"Yeah, no matter what, I have to have you even if I just got my ass kicked. It was amazing, as always, I just can't get enough. Yeah, it was a rough night. That sounds good, you need some help? Okay, do you want me to go with you?"

"No, you rest, babe. You can if you want to, but you don't have to if you don't feel like it." 

He walked over and passionately kissed her. "You are such an amazing woman. Thank you for helping with everything with Blake. Even though he isn't yours, you stepped in immediately to take care of him. It really means a lot to me. I will spend the rest of my life thanking you in the bedroom every night." 

"No, no."

"No, no, what, Blake?"

"No, mine." 

"I can't kiss her?"

"No, mine." He laughed. 

"No, she is mine. See this ring; this makes her mine."

"No, mine." He laughed 

"Okay, she is ours. How about that?" He looked at him. Harper busted out laughing. "So, how are you feeling about this?"

"I'm here, and I will do my best. It looks like your son has already claimed me. We are a team, and I will support you. He deserves a real family, and here he can get that with us."

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