Chapter 22: How perfect we are together

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There are six days until our wedding, and we can't wait. Life has been good, and we just finished our last counseling session. 

Tomorrow, we go and get our license. It becomes real then, and I am so excited yet so nervous. 

We have watched several movies curled up next to each other. We are already acting like an old married couple. 

I laugh, and Brennen looks at me, "What's so funny, dear?"

"Us, we already seem like an old married couple. Just lying in bed cuddled up and watching movies."

"That's because your parents are upstairs, and they might not like me if they hear me making their daughter scream with pleasure. One week, baby, and our married life starts." 

"Nope, six days, love. So, tell me how our married life is going to be?"

"Oh, well, when I come home from work. I am going to drag you to the shower with me. Then, strip off all your clothes and fuck you in the shower. Then I am going to dry you off and lay you down in bed and fuck you again. Then we will eat dinner, and finally, I will lay you across our table and have my dessert. Every single day, this will happen multiple times."

"Ooh, that sounds very erotic."

He laughed, "Oh, baby, Fifty Shades isn't going to have anything on us." He leaned over and kissed me as he laid his head on my lap. 

"I love you, Brennen." He threw his hand up, and I placed mine in his.

"I love you, Bunny."  

We have a very busy week starting tomorrow. We have to get our marriage license and ensure everything is ready for the wedding. 

Grandparents and friends to entertain while they are here. Introducing our families for a dinner. Then hanging out with my best friends from Nevada. 

On their first night here, Brennen is going to hang out with Hunter and Jace while I spend time with Kasey, JoJo, Jade, and Christy. 

The guys have come over and hung out with us a few times. I know he misses his friends but he has been very mature about it. 

He told them he was about to have a family and couldn't be young and reckless anymore. He missed them, but he had to be responsible.

I felt bad for him. Here he was, the ruler of the school, the most dominant boy in school, and the leader of their group, the Alphas. 

I moved into town, and the next thing you know, he is engaged to be married and has a baby on the way. I sure blew his entire world up. 

My life was blown up as well. I had not even thought about losing my virginity. I wanted to focus on school and be invisible and yet I became the most popular person and most hated person in school after a single weekend. 

I fell in love with Brennen, and he fell in love with me. The rest of the world was just left behind our romance storm that blew both of our lives away. 

This time next week, we will be in Cancun, and I will be his wife. He will be my husband, and in seven and a half months, we will be parents.

I still can't believe he is marrying me. I honestly had a hard time believing that he wanted to date me. He says that I am beautiful, but to me, he is a gorgeous specimen of a man. 

My gosh, the abs, the dimples, his sexy smirk that drives me wild. Yet he wants to marry me, and we are having a baby. 

I smile at him as he lies his head on my lap. I still can't believe he is mine and I am his. I feel like the luckiest woman on earth.

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