Chapter 36: Our Beautiful Princess

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So, we decided to breastfeed. Brennen and I both agreed we wanted her to be as healthy as possible. She is absolutely perfect.

Our parents just doted over her the first night they met her. Our dads even cried as they held their granddaughter. She is beautiful and so precious. Neither of us can get enough of her.

Brennen holds her and coos at her. She smiles, and it's so amazing to watch him adore our daughter the way he does.

He has learned to change diapers. We both did, actually, because neither of us knew how to change diapers.

We are being discharged today, and he is so in love with her. He carried the bags down to the car and didn't want to leave her to get the car. I held her as we were pushed down to the front. 

People smiled as we were pushed out. Brennen picked her up, placed her in the car seat, and fastened it with the nurse's help. He helped me into the car and kissed me. Then we drove to our home. 

He parked and walked around. "I am going to take the bags inside, then come back and get you and our little princess. Just wait, and I will be right back, baby." 

He grabbed the bags, ran to the door, and unlocked it. He tossed the bags to the side and ran back out. He helped me out first, then unsnapped the car seat from its base. He carried my purse and held my hand as we walked to the door. 

He walked me to the couch and helped me sit down. Then he placed her car seat on the couch, unbuckled her, and gently handed her to me. He sat down with his arm wrapped around me. 

"My perfect family. I am so in love with both of my girls. Yes, I am so happy. The moment she cried, all the fear, anxiety, and nervousness disappeared. They were replaced with love. I am so happy that I didn't realize happiness like this existed. Daddy loves your Mommy so very much, even more, because she gave me you." He tilted her to face him and kissed her. 

"Are you hungry, bunny? I can make you something to eat."

"Not really. Right now, I just want to be with her."

"I know; I don't even want to let her out of my sight. Babe, we have to lay her down at some point."

"I know; I just don't want to let her go. I am so afraid something will happen."

"I know, but we have to. Do you want me to take her to her room? It's right here by the living room, so we can hear her. I will leave the door open and bring the monitor. We have to get her used to sleeping in her bed."

"I know, okay, I am going to put my pajamas on. I have to pee, but I don't want to. It hurts so bad."

"I know, and I am so sorry. Let's see what can help ease the pain. Let me lay her down, and we will look it up." He kissed her and easily picked his daughter up. He took her to the nursery and laid her down. He tiptoed out of the room with the monitor he left the door opened. 

He grabbed his phone and searched. "It says you can urinate in a warm shower will make it less painful. Here, let me get the shower going, and you can strip down and pee, then dry off and get dressed."

"I hate to have to shower every time I have to pee. The doctor said the burning and pain could last for a week. Thank you, Bren, you are so good to me."

"You just delivered our daughter. Out of that, I will do anything that makes it easier or less painful for you, my love. I will always take care of you. You know that, right?"

Yes, I do. You have gone above and beyond, showing me that. So, how does it feel to be a daddy?"

"It's the best feeling in the world, right up there with being your husband. My two favorite titles in the world are husband and Dad to my two favorite girls. By the way, you are very welcome, my lovely bride." He kissed her and helped her up easily. 

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