Chapter 71: Aubrey's Third Birthday

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Aubrey is getting to be such a big girl. I can't believe how fast our kids are growing up. I have become a pro at throwing birthday parties. Hers is the sixth birthday party we have thrown: two for Blake, three for Aubrey, and soon-to-be two for Cole.

She is the sweetest little girl, and she loves her daddy. Watching my big, strong husband be a dad to a girl is the sweetest sight. He has played with her dolls, and they have tea parties all the time. 

She was funny at their first tea party. She had to show him how to hold his finger, and I just watched them. She enjoys her tea parties with her dad, and he enjoys spending time with her.

I fixed them some tiny finger sandwiches, some cookies, and hot tea that had been cooled. He sat on the floor because he was too big to sit in her chair. 

He loves his daughter. I know that when she gets older and becomes interested in boys, Brennen will make life so hard for her.

I have been sorting her decorations for her birthday party tomorrow but since her birthday is today. I am making her favorite dinner and we will have a small cake just for us. 

I can't believe she is three. Three years ago, I delivered my first child, and I was so scared Brennen stood by, and the way his face lit up when he first saw her was so sweet.

He has been the best father to our kids and the best husband to me. Finally, the talk has stopped everytime we go out. Most of the kids we went to high school with have gone off to college there are only a few left that didn't go to college. 

So, life is better. I have seen Samantha and Stephanie during breaks watching our house. I love to watch them from the window when Brennen is mowing our lawn as they watch and dream about what's mine. 

Sure, they have slept with him, but they didn't see the part of him I have. He is so sweet and kind to me. They didn't get to see him nervous as he spoke vows to them, place that ring on their finger, and hear the words I do. I got that part of him, and it's only mine. 

They will never see his face light up as he sees his child for the first time, and tears fall from his eyes, but I have been blessed to see that three times. 

They will never get to see the tired, exhausted, sleep-deprived father who wakes up and hands your baby to you in the middle of the night. I have been blessed to see that. 

They will never get to see the passion in his eyes when he makes love to me and holds me close. Telling me over and over he loves me. I am blessed to see that every single day. 

They got fucked and then went home. I have been able to see his sleeping face as he dreams and softly breathes. I am so thankful I am the only one to see that side of him. 

I go downstairs and start cooking. I made her birthday cake, which is cooling now. I will frost it while dinner is cooking, and then it will be ready. 

I start the pot of water to boil, as I have been cooking my homemade spaghetti sauce all day. Aubrey loves the sauce, so I add olive oil and butter to the water. 

I am pulling the noodles down when Brennen wraps his arm around me and grabs the box. I smile as he hands it to me. 

I break the noodles and put them in the water. He kisses my cheek as he hugs me. He likes to stand in the kitchen and just watch me cook. I can't say I mind because when he cooks, I do the same thing. 

"So, did you and Aubrey have a good tea party?"

"We did. I loved those peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches you made, mama. They were yummy. I didn't let her eat too much because I knew you were cooking dinner."   

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