Chapter 38: Trip to Florida and a Birthday Celebration

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We returned home from Nevada and went back to our lives. Within the next two weeks, so much changed. I started my birth control, and I decided to go with the shot instead of the patches. 

I was cleared to resume all activities, we continued with our classes, and Brennen returned to work. However, I decided to work only one day a week. It is so hard being away from Aubrey. 

I have dinner ready when Brennen comes home since he changed his schedule and now works nine to six. 

Aubrey is growing up so fast. She is changing every day. At eight weeks old, she weighs nine pounds. She is still tiny, and Brennen comes straight in, lays his jacket on the couch, walks over, kisses me, and then picks up our daughter. 

She loves her daddy. She knows his voice and even his smell. I was so afraid that when we made love for the first time, it would be different. He assured me he didn't care either way. The only thing different was that it felt better for both of us.

We have gone back to our shenanigans of making love anywhere and everywhere in our house, even while Aubrey is napping. He always makes me feel special, needed, wanted, and loved, and our connection is special. 

He is even getting kinkier, which is really hot. He loves to send me pictures when he's at the gym. He comes home and I am in the shower waiting on him. We make passionate love, then can't keep our hands off each other the rest of the day.

Two months later:

Aubrey is four months old, and she loves tummy time with Daddy

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Aubrey is four months old, and she loves tummy time with Daddy. He will lie on the floor with her and play with her.  

She smiles when he walks in the door and even throws her hands around because she is so happy to see him. She really does love her Daddy and he loves her. She's getting to the fun stage where we can play with her, and she laughs out loud.  

She's just growing up way too fast. It breaks my heart to know she will be crawling soon and then walking and talking. I'm just not ready for that. 

Brennen loves being a father. He absolutely adores our daughter, who is his pride and joy. I love their bond and how much they love each other. Watching it develop between them has been amazing. We are flying to his grandparents to visit them in Florida next week so they can see Aubrey. 

They have been on vacation and on a cruise, and they just got back last week. We have Facetimed them and sent them videos and pictures of her since she was born. His Mimi and Papa flew in to see her right after she was born, but his Gigi and Pappy were gone. Robert and Grace had booked the vacation last year. 

So, we are flying to Florida to see them. I have never been to Florida, but he had to visit them a few years back. I finally tightened up the loose skin so I could wear a bikini again. 

Life is great, and we are very happy. He is still an amazing husband. We had a great Christmas and spent New Year's at home, just the two of us. My mom kept Aubrey for the night. Jace threw a party, but we wanted to be alone. 

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