Chapter 48: Please text me

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Brennen had been at his parents for two days. He had barely slept he was looking like a ghost. His Mom had begged him to eat and even take some pills to help him rest. 

He told her no; he deserved the hell he was being put through right now. Once, Jace and Hunter came by his first night here. They told him what they had found out and showed him the picture; he barely remembered fucking her. 

He was really high. She was standing in the parking lot talking to two friends. He pulled by, and she was the hottest one. He invited her to join him, pulled off in an abandoned parking lot, fucked her, and dropped her back off at the school. 

Less than ten minutes is all it took for him to get off, and now those ten minutes have ruined his life and maybe his marriage. 

Fuck, this can't be happening. I haven't slept in two nights. I have stared at every picture I have on my phone of my beautiful wife. I looked through our wedding photos for hours last night. 

He walked to the living room, "Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit, Mom. Exactly like I deserve to feel, I don't understand how this happened. When it happened with Harper, we knew about the minute it happened. I barely remember screwing her, let alone if anything happened. I threw the condom out the window and dropped her off." 

"Well, sweetie, I understand that. Did she get out of the vehicle before you dropped her off?"

"No, Mom. She was young; hell, we both were. If she had told me, I would have paid for her to have an abortion."

"Yeah, she shouldn't have withheld the info from you and then waited until you were doing better to tell you. I think she is just upset about you and Harper, then here she is raising the baby on her own, and she wants you to suffer like she is."

"Mom, what am I going to do if Harper doesn't forgive me? I can't lose her, Mom; she is my everything, my entire world. She and Aubrey are my life. I miss my sweet baby girl. This is the longest I have gone without seeing her since she was born."

"I know, sweetheart, and I believe Harper will forgive you. She just needed a little time to process this without you."

"Why did we have to be apart?"

"Well, son, because she loves you so deeply that your presence would mess with her thoughts. She would never know if she forgave you because she wanted to or if she did it because every time she looked at you, all she could feel was the love she has for you. Brennen, you and her have a daughter, and soon you will have a son. Just give her the time and space she asked for."

"If I don't check on her and just leave her alone, she may think I don't care or love her."

"Listen, how about this? I will go over to your house and check on her and Aubrey. I will tell her how rough you look and you haven't been sleeping. It's killing you not being able to call and check on her, but you agreed to give her time and space. Just so she knows you do care, and it's been hard on you." 

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it. I'm so sorry I messed up. Are you disappointed in me that I don't want anything to do with this child?"

"A little disappointed, but I understand. You have been honest all along. The only person you wanted to have a family with was Harper, and that's why you married her. This child is your flesh and blood, Brennen. Can you really turn your back as if he never existed? What about years from now? Will you be able to live with the fact somewhere out there you have another child? This child does exist, and if the results come back, he is yours. Will it change how you feel now? These are things you need to figure out because your wife may ask you them."

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