Chapter 11: Meeting the Parents

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We have been going out and just spending time together. Sometimes, when we get home from school, we walk down to the beach. 

She is opening up and not as shy as she was when we first started talking. I don't know if she was really shy because she sure told us what she thought about us. 

I am meaning more in terms of her expressing herself with me and being open about what she wants or needs.

I have never enjoyed time with someone just to be with them. Most nights or days together, we just talk and enjoy each other's company.

We still enjoy pleasing each other but also enjoy our time just talking to each other. She is the first girl it's not all about sex with her. 

I am having dinner with her parents tonight and meeting them for the first time. I am a little nervous because I'm not the guy girls bring home. So, I have never met any parents besides Jace and Hunter's.

She told me she told her parents to be nice and asked me to hide my tats the best I could. So, I am wearing my jeans with a long-sleeved shirt. 

I must remember I want her parents to like and trust me so they allow her to go out with me. I have grown really attached to Harper. I can't wait to see her every morning for school. I am pacing around like a lunatic. 

The only class we aren't in together is gym, and I try to skip study hall just so I can be near her, but Mr. Lockwood has been watching me closely. 

I know I sound like a lovesick, pathetic loser, and I don't even care. I have realized that what I am feeling is love, and I am okay with that. 

I haven't said that to her yet because we aren't official. I don't even know how to make us official. I need to see if I can talk to one of my parents to advise me on making that happen. 

I look at my phone. Ten minutes before I am supposed to be there, I decide it's better to be early than late. 

I walk next door to the front door and ring the bell. She answers the door, and her face lights up with that beautiful smile that I adore. 

"Hey, babe. Are you ready for this?"

"Hey, Bunny and as ready as I can be. This is the first time I have met a girl's parents. I just want them to like and trust me and to know that you are safe with me."

"My mom has been talking nonstop about meeting you. Just remember I am their only child, so they are slightly overprotective."

"I know, Bunny. Can I get a kiss before we walk all the way in?" She leaned up and kissed him, then grabbed his hand and walked further into the house.  

"Mom, Dad, this is Brennen Scott. Brennen, this is my mother, Carrie, and my father, Jeff."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Brennen," Carrie said.

"Nice to meet you, young man," Jeff said.   

"It's a pleasure to meet you both as well. So, how are you liking the area so far?"

"We like it. It has beautiful views, great restaurants, and easy access to shopping. What's not to love?"

"Very true, Ma'am."

"Carrie, please. So, Brennen, are you from here?"

"Yes, ma, Carrie, born and raised."

"That's nice. The people are so friendly here. Although I haven't met but a few neighbors."

"So, are you in tenth grade as well?"

"Yes, I am Bun; Harper and I are in the same classes."

"Really? May I ask what you started to call her before correcting yourself?"

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