Chapter 30: It was a great visit

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He loves the apps on his phone. He sent me a picture of him dressed in a hoodie, and in the mirror, he had no shirt. He was like Baby, this is freaky, but look, now you have two of us.

I just responded with a laughing emoji and said I only need one, the original, my husband. He replied back with a heart.

This was why my girls were here. We had a really great time since we had more than two days together, unlike their visit to our wedding.

They went to the mall while I worked, and then we went to the arcade, shopped, and ate at the food court. They were flirting with some boys. I smiled until I realized it was the same guy who grabbed me at Jace's house. 

Which made me have a small panic attack. I could feel his hands on my mouth and his breath on my neck. I started crying and couldn't breathe.

"Harper, calm down; it's okay. We are here with you."

"Call Brennen."

"Okay," she dialed Brennen's number. "Hey Brennen, it's Kasey. Um, we are at the mall, and something is going on with Harper. She started crying and can't breathe; she is pouring sweat."

"Did she eat anything that she could have been allergic to, or was anybody around her besides you and JoJo?"

"No, I don't think so. I don't know; we were at the food court, and it just happened."

"Okay, put the phone to her ear." She did, "Baby, Bunny, I am on my way. Just take some deep breaths, and I will be there in five minutes. I love you."

"Okay," he heard her breathing and her voice. He jumped in his car—her car, actually—and went to the mall. Thankfully, his office was just two miles from the mall. When he parked, he jumped out and ran to the food court. 

He saw them sitting there, and he ran over. He knelt down beside her, "What happened, baby?" 

She laid her head on his shoulder and just cried. He rubbed her back and gave her the time she needed. She finally wiped her eyes and looked at him.

"The guy at Jace's that grabbed me he was there." She pointed at the table.

"Steven was here? Where is he now?"

"I don't know. They were flirting with Kasey and JoJo. Then I saw him, and I didn't even see which way they went. Everything went blurry, and I needed you. Thank you for coming here."

"What guy grabbed her?" Kasey asked.

"He's dark hair with dark skin and blue eyes. At New Year's, before we took that step. He and his date stayed behind after everyone left. Harper went to the restroom, and he grabbed her. He had his hand over her mouth and threatened to take her with him and said I could have his date. Harper and I had been playing on the beach, and she got loose. I reminded her, and she did that and got loose. We beat the shit out of him, and I told him then to never be around her again."

"He was going to forcefully take her and rape her? Gross, he's such a creep."  

"That would be my guess. She was smart, though he had his hand covering her mouth so she couldn't yell for help. She kicked Hunter's door, and he got me and Jace. I was really proud of her for not panicking while it was going on. She had nightmares for weeks, but she hasn't had any since we slept together. She was so afraid her first time would be forced." 

"Oh my gosh, Harper, we had no idea. We are so sorry that happened to you. Let's get out of here and go back to your place," JoJo said. 

"I don't think I can drive right now. I still feel lightheaded."

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