Chapter 70: Vacation Dreams

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Our vacation was so nice and relaxing. Brennen and I had a really great time, and so did the kids. We took them to the waterpark and built so many sandcastles.

We ate junk food, lots of ice cream, and then a very expensive dinner that was sweet and romantic. Brennen and I enjoyed ourselves spending time together. I went to a spa and got a massage, and he went fishing. 

We enjoyed time with our parents, our kids, and each other. I especially enjoyed seeing my husband in nothing but his swim trunks.

Yes, the man can still take my breath away. I am so happy and absolutely in love with him. When I see him at home, his bare feet relax me. I know that sounds weird, and maybe it is, but when someone is barefoot, it means they are home. 

So, when I see my husband walking around our house barefoot it just eases the tension in my mind that says it's not real. 

My mind likes to play tricks on me and sometimes make me believe that what we have isn't real. It's all a huge joke, and one day, he'll walk away. If that happens, I want to cherish every single minute I get to live with this man and this life. 

It can't be a joke because he is building us a home. We have four kids together, including Blake. My crazy mind is just trying to work against me. 

I smile as I look through our vacation photos. He has already uploaded them to Instagram and Facebook, and he likes doing these crazy TikToks. He captioned them Vacation pictures with my beautiful wife and our beautiful family. 

He has returned to work at the office when he doesn't have classes. Blake loves preschool. He has made friends and enjoys going to school.

We are preparing for Aubrey and Cole's birthdays coming up. Then, Brennen's twenty-first birthday after Christmas. Then we will celebrate our fourth anniversary. He's always so sweet. He counts the years we have been married and tells me how many more we have until our sixty-fifth anniversary. 

I am so happy with my life, my handsome husband, and our amazing children. Nothing makes me happier than my family.

I am sitting at the kitchen bar, looking through my phone. Blake is at school, Destiny, Cole and Aubrey are napping, and my husband appears and stands there watching me as I look through our photos. 

I didn't even hear him come in. He walked over, and I jumped when he wrapped his arms around me. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Did I scare you, sweetheart?"

"You did. I didn't even hear you come in. It's early. What are you doing at home?"

"I finished the project, so Dad sent me home to my beautiful wife. Where are our children?"

"All sleeping."

"Oh, really? We have the house to ourselves."

"We do but I have to pick our son up from preschool soon." He looks at his watch.

"Yes, in an hour. That means we have plenty of time for a little fun."

He tossed his jacket off, started loosening his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and removed his shoes. He slowly unbuttoned his pants and slid them off. Placed all his clothes on the chair beside me. He took my phone and saw our pictures. He sat it down on the bar and helped me up.

He tucked my hair behind my ear as he leaned in and kissed my neck. He peppered kisses across my neck to my lips as he slid my pants off my hip and down my legs. 

"I love you so much, Harper."

"I love you, Brennen." He pulled me into his office and sat down in his chair as he removed both our underwear. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. He tossed my shirt off and gently kissed my breasts. 

Then he lifted my hips up and easily slid me down on him. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I rocked my hips back and forth. I leaned back as I continued rocking and he smiled as he held me. We were both lost in each other. 

I don't know what I was thinking he loves me. He wouldn't come straight in and remove our clothes to make love to me if he didn't love me. His eyes were locked on mine as we made love. I could feel the love he had for me in his eyes as he watched me. 

Once we both reached our climax point, he pulled my body to his and held me. "God, baby, that was so amazing. It always is with you."

"Yes, it was and always is. I love you so much, Brennen."

"I love you so much, Harper." He kissed me a long, passionate kiss, then lifted me off, and we got dressed. "You go take a shower, and I will stay down here to make sure the kids don't wake up. I will take one when you finish, then I will go pick Blake up—unless you want to pick him up. If so, I will watch the babies while you pick him up."

"No, it's fine. You can pick him up. I will be down in a few." I kissed him and gathered my clothes.

That night I dreamed about our vacation in the Bahamas again the way Brennen and I were able to connect. When we paddle boarded and made love in the ocean as if we were the only two there. 

The night we went to that crazy expensive restaurant and then went to the club afterward, I remember the way it felt when we danced as he held my body close to his and the way it felt when we returned to our room and made love. 

I dreamed of the fun we had when we took our kids out for activities. Destiny went to only a few places with us, and she mainly stayed with our parents. 

I dreamed of living on that vacation for the rest of our lives. I smiled as I thought of Brennen and I living in the Bahamas and that being a normal day for the rest of our lives. 

This life is what most people dream about finding a handsome husband who is a good husband and a good father to your children. Who loves to kiss you and absolutely adores you. 

The nice house, nice cars, fancy clothes, family vacations, and pure happiness. That is what I feel when I am anywhere near Brennen. He makes me so happy. 

Love, true love, is all that matters in this life, and I feel every bit of that with my husband. I love him with every fiber in my body.

Brennen dreamed about Harper that night. From the first moment, he met her all the way through her sitting on his lap making love to him today. 

He remembered his heart stopping when he saw her take boxes to her recycle can outside and the way she looked at him when he spoke to her in the school hallways. 

How she was so mad when they took over the seat next to hers in each class. The way she was so angry with him that weekend she spent with them at Jace's house. How she took his breath away the moment his lips touched hers. 

How sexy she looked on their wedding day and the way he couldn't get enough of her when she carried each of his children into this world. 

How sexy she looked in that teeny tiny bikini in the Bahamas. The way she took his breath away with that sexy red dress she wore. Even the way she took his breath away today when he came home and she was in her leggings and an oversized shirt. 

She was and has always been the absolute love of his life. He loved her with every fiber in his body, and he would love her until the day he drew his last breath. She was his soulmate, the other half of him, and without her, he would be incomplete. 

She was lying in his arms, her leg wrapped around his, and he held her tight. She was his heart, and he knew he was hers.          

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