Chapter 62: Holidays are coming

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It is almost time for Halloween. We bought the kid's costumes, and they are all so cute. We got Blake a Spiderman costume, and he loved it. He was running through the house acting like webs were coming out of his hand.  

We got Aubrey a unicorn dress costume. She loved the dress, and the headband had a horn. She twirled around in it.

We bought Cole an elephant costume, and he looked so adorable he didn't like the nose part. He is such a handsome little boy. He looks just like his dad and brother. 

Brennen found a Chucky costume and is dying his hair red for Halloween. I am not big into horror movies, but he loves them.

I am wearing an 80s costume with a leather skirt, a neon pink shirt tied at the waist, bangle bracelets teasing my hair, and neon gloves.

Halloween is three weeks away, but we made sure we had everything as soon as the Halloween stuff came out. Brennen tried to get me to dress like the Bride of Chucky.

We are getting ready for Aubrey's birthday, then mine, then our Cole will be one. Where did this year go? Yet, we aren't pregnant; when we used stuff to prevent pregnancy, we got pregnant, and when we didn't, nothing.  

This is the first year since Brennen and I started sleeping together, and I haven't been pregnant. It has been good we have been able to do more sexually than we ever have since I got pregnant the first time we slept together. 

We are happy and fine with our three kids. If that's all we are meant to have, then we will be fine with them. Brennen and I have one of each, so we are satisfied. We were hoping to have another little girl, but the man upstairs is in charge, and when that time comes, we will be excited. If it doesn't, then we will be just fine as we are.

Brennen was able to work an extra class in, so if he can work one more, he won't have to do three semesters, only two, which means he would graduate next year instead of the following year. 

We haven't had anymore issues since Brennen and Brent fought with people making rude comments. He did go fight that guy who was saying vulgar things about me, and since no one has made any comments about us online or to our faces. 

Hunter and Jace are doing pretty well. They are attending college at CSU and loving it. Hunter moved in with Jace, and they now live in his basement. His parents are always traveling, so there is no need to move out. 

Brennen and his Dad have been working on the house design for the trip to Vermont. Henry loves Brennen's dedication to work and has stopped by a few times to visit the kids.

Brennen told him I thought he was cheating with Adriana, and Henry told Brennen if it became a problem, he would let her go. I told Brennen, no, I wasn't going to be responsible for her losing her internship because I was acting crazy. 

Since then, Brennen has been affectionate. Every evening, when he comes home, he kisses me and tells me he loves me.

Blake absolutely loves his power wheel. Brennen takes him out every day to let him ride it. I love to watch my husband be a father. The other day, Blake took Aubrey and Cole for a ride. Cole was laughing and giggling.  

Blake has finally adjusted to us being his parents. He is just like Cole and Aubrey, and it's as if he's been here his whole life. 

Bridgette moved off, and we haven't heard from Stacy. I have seen the same car parked around the neighborhood with someone in it.  

Samantha and Stephanie went off to college in a different state so now we don't have Brennen's stalkers eyeing our house. Life is pretty normal. We go out on a date every week. Our parents watch our kids. 

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