Chapter 56: Blake is settling in

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So, we have had Blake for two months, and he is adjusting well. Thankfully, Brennen and he have been working on getting him potty trained. Since he is a guy, he took him to the bathroom with him, and now Blake only wears pull-ups at night.

We celebrated his second birthday just a couple of weeks after he came to stay with us. I don't believe he has ever had a party before. A couple of moms I have met in the neighborhood brought their kids to the party, and a few neighbors joined.

Of course, both of our parents and all of our friends came to his party. We decorated, and he got a ton of gifts. He was so happy and smiling that he laughed when he blew out his candles.

He really enjoyed his party and all of his presents. Brennen and I spoiled him but we missed a lot. We haven't heard anything from Bridgette. 

We walked into the Hangout with Jace and Hunter. We had both kids, and she jumped up and left, which is a good thing because she has caused enough problems. 

The trial is getting ready to start against Stacy and her accomplice his name is Randy. Life is back on track, and Brennen and I are still doing wonderful. I am about ready to pop. I am much bigger with him than I ever was with Aubrey.

She loves Blake, and he loves her. They play together and it's cute watching them. She is about ready to walk. She has stood alone now. Brennen and I carry our cameras around for when she takes her first step.  

We have had to go to our spooning position when we make love since my bump is in the way. Brennen is still the sweetest man but has tamed himself a bit since Blake is older. When they both nap, we make love, but other than that, it's at night once the kids are in bed.

Blake has started adjusting more to Brennen and even asks him to hold him. Brennen smiles when he does that. 

We bought a playset for the kids since we have Blake now. He loves it and always asks his dad to go play. Brennen normally will give in. Brennen finally finished two of the designs his dad asked for and is almost finished with the final one. 

I love watching him work as he draws these houses. His designs are so elegant and beautiful. He tells me that he looks through my eyes when he designs, thinking of things I would like. He has also been designing our house, which is top secret. 

He doesn't want me to see it until he is finished. He said it is going to be huge and very beautiful. Plenty of room for our family and our friends to enjoy when they visit. 

Devin came over about a week after we got custody of Blake and introduced himself to Brennen. They talked for a while about their jobs and stuff. He asked Brennen if he would be interested in helping him with a design to redo his home. 

Samantha and Stephanie have stayed away from us and our house. We are able to enjoy our lives and focus on our classes, work, and, most of all, our family.

Brennen spends an hour every evening playing with the kids. He plays trucks with Blake and dolls with Aubrey. I am really excited to watch Brennen in a couple of years play tea party with our daughter I laughed just thinking about it. 

I sit and look at him as he is drawing in the office. He has his glasses on and a ruler in his hand. He looks lost, deep in thought. I see the little wrinkle across his forehead when he concentrates so hard. 

I remember my first day of school and how he, Jace, and Hunter spent the entire class staring at me and not even focusing on classwork. I remember how they each had their own pet name for me. 

How I felt when each of them called me that name, and how they all brought me to where I am right now: living in this house with my husband and two kids, with a third on the way. 

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