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"Hey." I said as Lloyd walked in. It was late. I was cleaning.

"Hi." He said. He came over. He looked exhausted. He pecked my lips before taking a deep breath. "I know I'm very late for dinner but are there any leftovers in the fridge?"

"I actually didn't make any adult food. But I can."

"Don't worry about it." He said.

"No. I'll make you food."

"I can order something-"


He was stressed. He sighed, resting his head against the cupboards. I gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"What do you want?"

"I don't even wanna eat but I'm just hungry."

"Right." I said and smiled. He sighed. I gave him a little smile.

"You're okay." I whispered. "I'll make you food."

"Thanks wife."

"I'll also beat you to a pulp." I said sweetly. He chuckled, pulling me in and hugging me from behind.

"I like when we wrestle." He whispered. I giggled.

"Yeah I know you do."

I heard his stomach rumble. I moved to kiss his cheek before getting out of his grip.

"Let's get you some food Hansen."


Lloyd came out of the bathroom. I was curled up just watching tv. Owen had already woken up to get fed. I was ready for bed.

He came over, laying against the headboard and pulling my head up. He set me on his lap, laying back a little. I sat up, setting my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back as I got comfortable on him.

"I'm off work for three days." He whispered. I smiled to myself.

"Thank god."


I sat up. "Yeah but usually if you have a few days off you're going on a trip."

"Yeah. I don't know. I guess. Maybe I'll get out of it." He said and yawned.

"Come here." I whispered. I pulled him in. He took a deep breath, relaxing into me.

It was quiet while I played with his hair. I liked quiet with him sometimes. It was just so still.

Eventually I knew he was fast asleep on me. And I was okay with that.

As I laid there, looking at the ceiling, I thought about how far him and I had come. We started out just hanging out. He became my rock so quickly.

The way he stood at my doorstep, always coming back. The way he went from quiet, closed off, cold, to a warm and loving husband and dad.

I kissed his head before closing my eyes. I loved how soft he could get like this.

I would sleep so good knowing he's here with me.


"Bea! Let's go!" Lloyd said. She ran in, catching her dads legs. I chuckled as I took a bite of Lloyds waffle. He gave me a little smirk. Owen was in his little swing. He glanced up at me. I smiled.

"Hi." I said sweetly. He cooed. Lloyd came behind me, grabbing Bailees food. I took a sip of my tea.

"You good?" He whispered. I nodded. He pecked my lips.

"Food please!" Bailee said.

"You heard her." I said on his lips.

"You taste like syrup."

"May have caught a bite of your waffle."

"Just make one for yourself."

"No I've gotta feed him soon and-"

"So I'll make you one." He said. He gave Bailee her food. I gave him a little smile.

"Thank you."

I glanced down at Owen. He awed as I picked him up, then looking at Lloyd.

"Hi baby." He said. He kissed his sons head. Bailee sighed deeply.

"I'm here too daddy."

He raced over, kissing her cheek. She smiled.

"Love you honey."

"Love you daddy."

He came back over, rubbing my back as he looked at Owen. Of course, he looked just like his dad. His genes must be so strong. Because mine were obviously not.

"Gosh you've got your mamas eyes." Lloyd whispered. That man can read my mind. I just know it.

I glanced up at him. He smirked, pecking my lips.

"You're so pretty today."  

"Mm." I said. He kissed me again before letting me go. I sighed, feeling my blush. I sat down with Owen in my lap.

Lloyd had made me food, putting it in front of me. I smiled. He was getting better at cooking.

"Thank you." I said. Owen whimpered. I grabbed my cover and started feeding him before eating. Lloyd sat down with his coffee, staring at his daughter.

"What?" She asked. The same exact way I ask. I glanced at Lloyd as he smirked.

"You sound just like mom." He said. She shrugged, continuing to eat her food. I chuckled.

Ever since I had Owen I realized that this was my calling. I got to raise my husbands kids. I got to bring children into this world with the man I love. Even if they were surprises, which I will not say to them until later in life.

But it made me really happy to be a mom. To have Lloyd here. To be married.

I used to think that I would end up alone. I don't know. Just me and my dog.

But if it wasn't for that job. If it wasn't for his office. If it wasn't for those texts...

Everything happens for a reason.

I just had to wait and see.

The end.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now