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As I walked into Lloyds house, part of me wondered if this was nothing new for him.

I mean taking a girl over. A schedule of when to have sex with one another. Is this like clockwork? Am I just another girl?

Lassie went right to her bed that Lloyd had put for her in his living room. Well, one of them. He kinda made it just for lassie at this point. He liked the dog even if he acted like he didn't.

I glanced at Lloyd as he walked upstairs. I hesitated, but followed him.

Third floor, down two doors. That was his room. I hadn't really even seen the other parts of his house. I just knew that.

I walked in with him. He had carried my bag up for me. He set it on my side and looked at me.

"How was your day today."

"It was good. Yeah."

He cocked his head a bit, staring into my eyes. I looked away, glancing around the room.

"Why are you so afraid of me all of a sudden?"

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Then tell me what's going on."

"No..I'm all good. Let's just have sex and then I need to do some work before-"

He pulled me into a soft kiss. I closed my eyes, melting a bit. He kissed me a little more passionately, his hand going to the back of my neck. Oh butterflies.

He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. I whimpered, pulling back. He moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You know..I was wondering if we could go out on another date. Just us. Not like it went last time."

"Why so you can flirt with someone from one of your places again?" I blurted. I realized what I said, pulling away from him. I put my hand right over my mouth.


"I didn't mean that."

"No..you did. I'm not mad. That's gonna get talked about though. Is this why you're distant? Cause I don't like this."

He was fairly concerned about us being distant. I mean..it was sweet.

I sighed, moving to sit on the bed. He sat with me.

"Okay. I want you to be completely honest with me."


"Are you high?"

"Sober. One hundred percent right now. It's just you and me."

"Okay. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I just have this feeling that you and I..this thing we are doing is not new for you. Like I feel like you've done this situation with more girls before. And I- I feel like it was the same situation with employees and now going into your places I feel really uncomfortable if I'm a piece of meat and like I am not really here for long. I don't know. I'm rambling.."

Lloyd sighed softly as I stopped talking. He gave me a small smile.

"Well, hate to break it to you Martin, but I didn't lose my virginity to you."


"Okay. Look. I have fucked many girls. It's nothing new. But condoms and I are great friends. But this whole..casual scheduled fun is new. This is new territory."

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Only one."

"Okay. I'm sorry...I'm not trying to be all weird. It's just been on my mind."

"I can tell. Look. I like you. You know that. I like what we're doing. You're not just gonna fade out of my life."

I nodded, blushing hard. He moved on top of me, kissing my neck with little pecks, making me laugh.

"Okay! Okay.. can we please have sex now?"

"Yes you horndog."


Lloyd Hansen.

Caroline gripped onto me as she shivered, her legs shaking as she came for the first time tonight.

I was off my game. That took three rounds to get her to finish. And she was so quiet while finishing. In general. She wasn't that talkative during sex.

She glanced down where our bodies met. I watched her face.

"You okay?" I whispered. She looked up at me, nodding.

I moved to kiss her. Her legs continued to shake around me. I moved one arm down to her thigh, rubbing it. She moaned softly.

I pulled away. "You're such an aftercare finatic."

"Shut up." She said. She kissed me again. I smiled, moving my tongue into her mouth. She always tasted sweet. Her vanilla chapstick always lingered.

She moved me down onto the bed. I chuckled, pulling away as she struggled to keep herself up.

"Why do you always try so hard to impress me?" I asked. She glanced at me.

"I don't." She said, a little defensively.

"You are always so quiet and shy and then you're obviously still recovering and you try this."


She always pushed herself to try things she obviously didn't want to. She was struggling to stay up. I had to sit up to hold her waist. I also was getting soft, and I felt bad. But I had finished three times.

"I'm not having you do this."

"I don't get what you're talking about. I'm shaking, it's not like I'm dying."

"Well you're still...I don't know- finishing."

"I had an orgasm two minutes ago." She said. "Is there something wrong?"

"I can't go again without a viagra." I whispered. She glanced down.

"So you're gonna blame you not being hard on me trying to ride you?" She asked. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

"Sorry." I said huskily. She moved down, kissing me gently. She chuckled on my lips. She was joking. Thank god.

I sat back as she kissed me. She moved the sheets over us, laying on me more. I broke the kiss, moving her off of me. She whimpered softly as I took myself out of her and laid her on my body. I pulled the sheets off of our heads.

Caroline sighed, tracing my tattoos. Her nails weren't long, but they weren't short either. A baby pink color was painted on them.

I moved her hand, sliding it in mine. Our fingers intertwined.

She moved to kiss my neck, unlatching our hands. I sighed, closing my eyes as she kissed me. Her hand moved to my jaw.

I felt her move her kisses to my collarbone, softly sucking and biting down. And one after another. I took a deep breath as she moved to kiss up my jaw. Her body slid across mine. I could feel every part of her on my skin.

I let out a husky moan, making her stop. I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling.

Caroline kissed my neck one last time, rubbing my cheek. And I was hard again.

"Did you do that on purpose?" I asked.

"Yes and no. I wanted you to be hard, but I didn't know if that would work." She said.

I sighed, moving her into her back. "You better cum."

"Trust me, I'm ready."


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