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"Auntie Carrie!" I heard. In ran my niece and nephew.

"Hi!" I said. I got on the ground as they attacked me with a hug. I giggled as I laid back with them.

I heard Lloyd sigh for a second before walk over. My brother stood in my kitchen.

"Lloyd Hansen." He said.

"Wayne Martin. My sister has told me what Caroline has told her about you."

"Oh so probably not much."


I rolled my eyes. "I'm right here."

I sat up, setting the kids on my lap. They were giggling. They both ran to go play with Lassie. I got up.

"Yes. This is Lloyd. My...friend."

"Mhm. How old are you Lloyd?"


"Thirty one."

"Lloyd don't answer him. He's being a dick."

"Caroline. You haven't had a boyfriend since you were nineteen."

"Well he's not my boyfriend." I mumbled.

"Nineteen huh?"

"Shut it." I whispered. Terri came in. I smiled and hugged her.

Lloyd glanced at me as I pulled away. I glanced at Wayne, who was giving Lloyd a look.

"Wayne." I said.

"So how'd you two meet?"

"Uhh." Lloyd said.

"He's my boss." I said.

"It's the middle of October. You've only known him since the beginning of September?"

"Yes. Stop." I said.

"We're talking about this later." He said.

"You are not dad. And by the way, do not tell mom and dad."

"You embarrassed of me Caroline?" Lloyd said jokingly.

"Do you want my parents to take you out and baby you constantly? Cause that's what's gonna happen."

I glanced back at Wayne. "I'm serious. Don't say anything."

"You better tell them by thanksgiving if this keeps going."

"Fine." I said.

"So I'm getting invited to dinner?" Lloyd asked. I thought he was joking, but he looked serious.

"Thanksgiving dinner?" I asked. "It's a month away."

He shrugged his shoulders. I sighed.

"You and I will talk later. And so will you and I." I said to my brother.

"Fine. Have fun."

They walked out. I glanced at Lloyd.

"Really?" I asked.

"What?" He said and laughed. "If he's gonna be an asshole, I can be an asshole back. He doesn't even like me and he knows nothing about me."

"He's protective. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

I sighed. He smiled.

"I think we have some things to talk about later."


"Auntie! I'm hungry!"

I smiled. "Yeah? Let's pick out the thing that's gonna make daddy the angriest."

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu