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"How's it going? You doing alright?" The nurse asked. I nodded.

"Alright mama. Time to start pushing."

I was having a fucking baby. Holy fuck.

I had been in labor for seven hours already, and this little girl was coming out.

Thank god for this epidural. I was uncomfortable, but not as much in pain.

Lloyd was by my side, holding my hand. I gave him a little nod. He looked green.

"Go sit down if you can't do it."

"Nope. I'm all good." He said.

I nodded. I started to push. It was weird because I could feel it, but it didn't hurt that much.

"There you go honey. You're doing great." Lloyd said. I smiled.

A couple more easy pushes, and we heard a cry. I smiled.

I watched as the baby got cleaned off a bit, and she was set on my chest. I glanced at lloyd. He was...crying.

"Hey Bailee." He said softly. She calmed down as she was set on my chest. I smiled so bright.

Our little girl. Ours.

"We did it." I whispered.

"You did it. I didn't do shit." Lloyd said. I nodded through the tears. Today was a day to cry. And seeing Lloyd crying made me weak.

"I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too."


Bailee Joan Hansen was born at 9:43 am. She is seven pounds, four ounces.

Lloyd and I sat with her, watching her little hands curl around my finger. She was so sweet.

"You wanna try to breastfeed mom?" A nurse asked.

"Oh right. Yeah I can."

Lloyd moved off the bed, sitting down in a chair. I was a little nervous to try this, but I knew I had to.

"Alright. You want help?" She asked.


The nurse, Jemma was helping me. I watched Bailee latch on. Lloyd was sipping on his water bottle.

"She's doing it then?"

"Yeah if you can feel it."

I nodded, moving the little cover over myself. Lloyd smiled at me.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Oh my god I'm starving."

"What do you want?" He asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Uhmm. Chocolate cake."

"Real food sweetheart."

"Soup. I don't know." I said and smiled.

"Kay. I'll go find something." He said. He came over and pecked my lips before walking out.

"You two married?" Jemma asked.

"No. And she was definitely an accident." I said, referring to Bailee. "But a happy one."

"You'd be surprised how many are."

"You see a lot of that?"

"Mhm. And a lot of deadbeat dads. So let's hope yours stays in shape."

"Oh I'm making sure of it." I said and smiled.



I heard a knock on the door. I sat up with Bailee in my arms. Margo poked her head in.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Hey." I said. Caroline was asleep. Mike and Marley walked in too, as well as Caroline's parents.

Caroline groaned softly, opening her eyes. She was in a long sleeve and baggy sweatpants, trying to get some sleep on the couch. We had been out of the hospital for a week.

"Hey." She said.

"Hi honey. Stay there. You're fine." Joan said. I smiled and got up to show Bailee off. Marley went over and hugged Caroline.

"Meet Bailee Joan." I said to our new Nana.

"Oh my god..." Joan said as I handed Bailee off. She had tears in her eyes.

Wayne and Terri came in. I shook Waynes hand as everyone looked at Bailee. Caroline carefully got up to hug everyone.

Joan and Ron looked at their new grandkid. I moved to Caroline. She smiled up at me.

I kissed her head, rubbing her back as I did. She looked so tired.

"Sit down." I whispered.

"I'm good." She said. "I promise I feel fine."


She moved to hug me, smiling as she watched her family. I rubbed her back more.

Eventually, we both sat down. Everyone was watching the baby. Carrie and I were actually excited to have people over, cause we were exhausted. If we could just sleep for an hour I think we would both be happy.

"You two. Go sleep." Margo said.

"Really?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah. We've got this. All the rest of us have had kids. We understand that even two hours at this stage is gonna be the biggest thing you need. Do you have any breast milk?"

"Yeah they're measured out in the fridge. Oh my god I love you guys."

"Go." Margo said and laughed. Carrie and I went upstairs. I threw my shirt off, getting into bed.

I watched Caroline put her hair up, laying down.

"Ugh. I'm gonna end up waking when I have to pump." She whispered.

"Get what you can. It's okay." I said as I pulled her in by her waist. She nodded, resting her head down.

My Caroline had a baby. And she was an amazing mom. And I felt like we could do this.

We can do this.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now