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"Carrie. It's fine." I said as I walked into the house. She ran upstairs. I followed her. She opened the door to Bailees room. She was fast asleep.

She went in, making sure windows were locked. She shut the curtains quietly.

She shut the door before looking at me. "I don't want her in there."

"She's okay."

"I want someone at her door and I want in on this meeting."


"In mere weeks I will share your last name. I need to understand what is going on."

"And I can't have you getting involved. This is why my ex and I didn't work."

"You and that girl didn't work because she cheated on you. You and that girl didn't have a kid to worry about."

I took a deep breath. "I won't let you get roped into this. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I'm fine."

I pulled her into a hug. She held me close.

"I have to go to a meeting."

"Okay. I'll make some coffee for everyone."

Denny walked out of the guest room in a suit. "We've got a long night Hansen."

"Yeah. Hey, I love you. The house is on lockdown. I need you to get some sleep."

She nodded as she pulled away. Suzanne came out of the room too. Caroline took a deep breath.

"I need my meds." She whispered as she exhaled. I kissed her head before leaving.

I walked downstairs to my meeting, sitting down.

"Alright. What do we know?" I asked. Denny came in, sitting down as well.

"This was his car at 14:21. He then moved to the hotel that you were at but left at about 18:05."

"So what does he want?"

"What doesn't he want? And is he still with Gia?" Denny asked.

"Good question." I said. "I'm sure they still contact each other."

"Well is she involved...how did you two part ways?"

"I had my men bring her stuff to her and that's it. Carl was there. Right? Did she do anything weird?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nah she just took it and left. I mean Doug was there."

"Okay. I just wanna make sure my kid and wif- fiancé are safe."

"You said wife." Denny said.

"You should shut the fuck up. Anyways, I need people watching. If we see him at any point I want you to get me. I need you to go check on some things but my phone is on and I'll be in my office."

I walked out. Denny followed.

"You good?"

"I just need to check on Caroline and Bailee. I wanna make sure Carrie has Bailee. I just don't know where to put them."

"Not your room. If he has been watching at all he knows what wing your room is. I would move them East. The guest room by your office?"

"I don't want them to hear everything though."

"Second floor. Can suzanne go too?"

"Yeah. Yes."

I went up, going to the room. Bailees room was empty. I ran to mine, seeing Carrie holding her. Lassie was on the bed too.

"Oh god." I whispered.

"It's fine. She's here." Caroline said. "I texted you. I doubt you looked though."

"No. I almost had a heart attack."

"Youre okay. I've got you."

I came over, kissing her softly. She gave me a little smile.

"Can we move her to the east wing?" I asked.

"Mhm. Can you help me?"

I helped her grab Bailee. She stirred on me, setting her head on my shoulder. She held on for dear life as I started moving, but relaxed.


"You're okay baby."

She held onto me. I brought her into a room safer. Debby had suzanne come over.

"Girls night." Caroline said sarcastically. She laid Bailee down in a big chair..bean bag.. I don't know. It was the room where her nieces and nephews stayed when her siblings came over.

I watched as she tucked her in. Lassie went and laid down right next to her. Suzanne was already getting into one of the beds. The room was huge. It had multiple beds and sizes of beds.

"Okay. Here." I said. I offered Caroline a gun. She just stared at it for a second before taking it. She went and set it in one of the nightstands.

"I'll come back here if things are clear."

"Okay. I love you." She whispered.

"Love you too."

She held my hand, giving it a little squeeze. I took a deep breath before letting go.

"I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you in a bit."

I nodded. She kissed my cheek. It took everything in my power not to leave.

But I had to.


4:51 am. No sign of Doug. So Denny and I were gonna sleep.

We sent our men home. New ones came in. So for now, Denny and I just went in to sleep.

We were both exhausted and weren't gonna move the girls. By the time we got in I think I was already sleeping.

I took off my shirt and grabbed some extra sweatpants that Wayne had left here. Denny got in bed once he was out of his old clothes. I carefully got into bed with Caroline. She shifted, finding me. I kissed her neck before laying back.

"You okay?" She asked. I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling her trace my skin. I was falling asleep so quickly from her touch.

And in a snap, I was asleep.


I woke up to Bailee on my chest. I sat up, looking to see that Caroline was up, reading. Denny and Suzanne were still asleep.

I sat back a bit, rubbing my little girls back. She was still asleep.

"You're fine." Caroline whispered. "We're all fine."

I nodded, closing my eyes a little.

She rubbed my thigh that was basically on top of hers. I closed my eyes more.

"You need sleep. It's okay."

I nodded, resting my body back down. Bailee woke up, groaning and getting down. She waddled back next to Lassie. I could hear her little footsteps.

Carrie continued to rub my thigh. I leaned in closer.

"Just come here." She whispered. I rested my head on her stomach. She massaged my hair while she read.

Her nails went down my back. I thought back to the night before. We had such a good time. We were back in our groove a bit. But it got fucked.

Or maybe it didn't. I mean she was touching me. She was warm. She was inviting.

Maybe we were right where we needed to be.

Maybe I just needed to marry her. That's the answer. I needed her to be my wife. 

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें