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"Are you sure you even want me in this? I mean it's fine if you wanna make a last second change." I said to Suzanne.

"Girl. No. I don't care if you're six months pregnant. You look amazing."

I sighed and smiled at her. It was the night before her wedding. Lloyd was Dennys best man. We were all out at a resort. Suzanne's group went to the hotel bar while Lloyd took the guys out.

"Hows that mocktail?" Suzanne asked. I chuckled.

"Pretty damn good." I said and smiled.

"Good. You know Lloyd's gonna come home shit faced tonight right?"

"Yeah. I don't care if he's drunk but I'm worried about him being stoned."

"Hate to break it to you, but denny took cocaine with him."

"Ugh. He gets so twitchy on it."

"Oh I know. And I think he's dying in his sleep cause he like flinches and wakes up all weird."


The rest of the girls came back over and started talking. I kinda liked doing this. I hadn't had girl talk in a while.

This'll be fun.


Lloyd came into the hotel room at midnight. I was watching tv. He didn't even realize I was awake. I watched him change out of his clothes before putting on pajama pants. He fixed his dick in his pants before going to the bathroom. 

He was definitely high because he was oblivious.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth before grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge. He turned to look at the bed, jumping and coughing.

"Holy fucking shit." He said between coughs.


"I thought you were asleep. All the lights are off." He said.

"Sorry." I whispered. "I wanted to make sure you were good. Because I feel as though you're high."

"No I'm just drunk." He whispered. "You feeling okay?"


He got into bed with his water. "Fuck I'm gonna be hungover."

"You don't seem drunk at all."

"I feel it."

"Drink more water."

"Do you have an alarm set for tomorrow?"

I nodded. He rested back.

Honestly not only was I making sure he was okay, but I hated sleeping while this pregnant. I couldn't get comfortable.

"So how was it with the boys?"

"Really good. We had fun. The girls?"

"Good. I tried a lot of different mocktails." I said. Lloyd chuckled.

"Were any good?"

"Oh we're making some at home."

"Good." He said. "I wonder how Lassies doing."

"She's fine. She loves the kids." I said. She was staying at Margo's.

"Aren't you tired?" He asked.

"No. I can't get comfortable with this thing inside of me."

"Did you bring that weird pillow thing?"

"No. I'll be fine. She's not that big yet."

"She's the perfect size right now."

"Awe I just love the size where I look pregnant and haven't yet gained the fat that she's gonna put on me."

"That's not what I meant." He said.

"I'm giving you shit Mr. Hansen."

"You haven't called me that in a while."

"Mmm. Thought I'd bring it up."

"Speaking of last names. Do you want a hyphenated name for Bailee?"

"Oh god I hadn't thought about it does it sound stupid, Martin-Hansen?"

"I don't think so. And if we decide to change it we can."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Yeah. Let's get some sleep." He whispered. He moved to peck my lips. I smiled softly, playing with his ear as he kissed me again.

His kisses became a little more heated, so I pushed him away.

"I have a baby right here." I whispered.

"Right. Sorry. I love you." He said.

"Love you too."

He moved to turn off the tv, grabbing his water and taking one more sip before laying back. I laid back as well, getting as comfortable as I could.

Tomorrow will be fun.


Lloyd and I sat together while watching Suzanne and Denny dance. His suit coat was over my shoulders. I was sipping on sprite. Kinda boring but whatever.

Lloyds arm was around me. I had my free hand on his thigh.

The song ended, and a bunch of others got on the dance floor. Lloyd took a sip of his drink, sighing.

"You feel okay?" He asked. My leg was bobbing. I just hated big crowds.

"Mhm. Big crowds is all."

"You wanna go outside? I need a smoke."

"I don't think it's very fair that you get to smoke and drink and everything while I work on making your baby."

His face changed. "Nevermind."

"Sorry. Fuck.. that was mean."

"No. You're right. I should be thinking about that more."

"No I was just being a bitch. I'll come out with you."

"You're staying right here." He whispered. I knew my face was red.

"I didn't mean it." I whispered.

"I'm not mad." He said.


"Caroline. I don't care. You're right." He said. "You want more sprite?"

I sighed, nodding. "Thanks."

He got up with my glass. I watched everyone dancing. I felt so bad.

Lloyd came back after a minute or two. He handed me my glass, giving my cheek a little kiss after he sat down.

"Hey. I love you." He said. He had a glass of sprite in his hand too. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't mean it. Truly you can drink, smoke, I don't care."

"I can tell it's bothering you. So I'm not gonna do it around you."

I rolled my eyes. "It's a celebration. You're allowed to drink."

"Carrie. Shut up. You're overthinking."

I sighed, glancing at him. He was smiling. I smiled back.

"Yeah. You're all good." He said as he put his arm around me again. He kissed my temple.

"What if this was us someday?" I asked. I felt like he would end up saying no, which was okay.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean I'm having a kid with you. Marriage is definitely not out of the picture."

"Okay." I said and smiled. I knew I was blushing.

"Love you."

"Love you too." He said in my ear.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora