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Lloyd Hansen

I sat down on the couch that Caroline was curled up on. I had ended up fucking her four...five times? I lost track. She was laid back with her clothes back on and a blanket over her.

"I can drive you home if you're not up for it."

She gave me a tired smile. "I'll be fine." She said as she sat up.

I moved to face her more as she sat criss cross on the huge couch.

"So that date tomorrow..?"

"Sure. As long as there's no strings attached. I'm not looking to date."

"Glad we're on the same page." I said.

She smiled softly, moving her leg up to rest her head on it.

"You really can't keep your eyes open."

"Its been a very long day."

I timidly moved closer to her. I might as well give her some aftercare after today.

She got the memo, moving me down on the couch. I smirked.

She laid on top of me, her body between my legs.

"That way my hands aren't all over you, but yours can be all over me." She mumbled. I smiled and set my hands on her back.

"Tell me about yourself Caroline."

"Uhhh. Well you know my name is Caroline Martin. I got my masters at twenty four after taking a lot of college classes in highschool. I'm now twenty six. I live alone with my dog. My birthday is in august. I went to Yale. I'm an aunt, which I like. I'm the youngest of three. I have an older sister and brother. My parents expected me to be the biggest fuck up but I was the most successful. I don't know what to say in these things."

"Good start."

"What about you?"

"No. No I'm not much."

"Please?" She asked.

"Lloyd Hansen. I'm thirty-one. I went to college for government services, and was in the cia but got kicked. So now I work a boring private school job. I went to the same private school as a kid. My parents were rich and didn't really pay attention to me. I'm an only child. Uhh. I live alone and do things I shouldn't like get drunk and high all the time. I've kinda got a boring lonely life."

"Boring lonely rich life." She whispered. I hummed and nodded.

"I guess. But uhh..going back. Why did your parents expect you to be a fuck up?"

"I didn't care about school. I was really good at talking back to teachers, getting through school without studying, partying constantly. But senior year rolled around and I decided to apply for a couple colleges. Somehow I got accepted into Yale. Even if I hated school, my gpa was great. So I went, and my life changed."

I sighed. She was relaxing into me.

"You seem like the type to be a secret genius. I felt the same way as a kid. But I worked to get my grades to impress my parents, hoping that they would recognize it. But they never did. So once I went to Harvard I found friends and kinda cut myself off. They still occasionally send a postcard of where they're at, but I don't even think they know I'm a principal now. My dad would be a lot happier with the job I have now versus the one I had. But it's fine."

She nodded tiredly. "Why try to give attention to parents that didn't do the same to you?" She whispered.


"Favorite color?" She whispered.

"Dark blue. You?"

"Sage green." She whispered.

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