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I watched as my phone rang. It was Wayne. Lloyd was in my kitchen. I was doing some grading in my dining room. Lassie was at my feet.


"Hey...I was just at moms house.."

"Yeah." I said.

"She told me to call you after we had a talk. And I just wanna say I'm sorry for being so mean. Because I don't know when I might lose you."

"Oh god. I'm fine."

Lloyd glanced at me. I gave him a little smile.

"I just...I've been a dick. I'm sorry. You could've died."

"It's fine."

"How are you and Lloyd?" He asked.

"Is there a gun to your head?" I asked. "You've clearly expressed your dislike for my boyfriend and now all of a sudden you want to talk about him?"


"Look. I understand that mom told you things that you probably wouldn't have ever thought would happen. But I'm not gonna talk about it. Lloyd and I are doing great."

"Thats good."

"But I don't want you telling me that you're all loving and caring all of a sudden just because you heard what happened."

"It's not like that."

"But it is. You had the slight imagination that I died so then you got all scared. I'm good."

"Caroline I already said it's not like that.. I- I'm sorry for being so mean to you."

"Whatever. I get it. Thank you for being so worried."

"Why are you being so rude?"

"Because this apology is fake."

"I am genuinely worried."

"Please don't be then. It was nothing."

"I am also worried about what you're getting involved in if this has to do with Lloyd."

I hung up on him, not wanting to hear anymore.

Lloyd came over. "Who was that?" He asked as he handed me a glass of wine.

"Wayne all worried cause my mom told him. I'm pissed that she said anything. I mean I have to keep this a secret right?"

"It's not a huge deal. Like it won't detriment me in any way."

"Okay." I whispered. "I feel so bad. I shouldn't have told her."

"It's okay. You needed to tell someone other than me. I get it. I tell denny everything, and he tells Suzanne. So what's the difference?"

"I don't know. It's fine."

Lloyd kissed my head. I smiled, moving to kiss his lips. "Love you.."

"Love you too. Now hurry up, because I really want you in a tub "

"In a tub or in bed?"

"Bed and then a tub."

"Oh god deal."


Lloyd kissed down my neck. I knew we both had been busy and needed each other. The last few weeks had been difficult for the both of us. We needed this so bad.

I pulled Lloyd off of me so that I could take off my sweatshirt. He did the same with his. I pulled him back into a warm kiss.

"Fuck...strip." He whispered. I smiled and did exactly what he asked of me. His hands moved off of mine so that he could take off his clothes as well.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now