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"So..." Suzanne said as we walked into school. I glanced at her, smirking. I hadn't been able to talk to her since the other night.

"The other night was late."

"I knew he would've done it in a heartbeat."

"Am I really all that? I mean come on." I whispered.

"Uhhh yeah. You're hot as fuck. Not in a weird way. But you're one hundred percent his type."

"I don't even know anything about him."

"He likes to talk about himself. If you get on his good side, he will take you out on a date."

"He doesn't seem like the dating type."

"He's not the settling down type. He will take you on a good club date."

"Mhm. Well, I'll catch you later."

I walked up the stairs, and then down the hall to my room. I walked in, seeing Mr. Hansen.

"Oh. Good morning."

"Hey. I felt like I kinda just forced you out the other night, and we didn't talk after that, so I brought you tea..."

"Oh. Thank you."

"I don't know what you like. So I did that green tea lemonade iced thingy."

"Are you being nice?"

"Trying." He said as he unbuttoned his suit and sat down at my desk. I took a sip of the drink before writing out the day.

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing...I take that back. I have some papers to grade, and a test to write."

"Wanna maybe come over?"

"Do you really want me there while I'm grading papers."

"As long as you sit back and relax I can get some things done at the same time."

I blushed and stared down at the floor. "I thought I was the one treating you..."

"Well it can go both ways."

I nodded. He moved his feet up on my desk.

"Or...I can meet you in here after work."

"Mm. No."

Mr. Hansen smiled before getting up. "Plan on my house at seven. If you aren't done with work by then, bring it over." He said. I nodded.

He moved closer to me. I glanced at the door. I felt his hand on my chin, before his lips were on mine.

I closed my eyes, but quickly pulled away.

"Mmm no. No. Not here. There are students coming soon. No."

He furrowed his brows.

"Who cares?"

"Who cares? I care!"

"Do you want that 150k salary?"

I nodded.

He smirked. "Then you, Ms. Martin, can meet me in my office during your prep."


He placed his finger over my lips. I stared into his eyes.

"My office. No excuses."

I sighed. He smirked and walked towards the door. "See you soon."

I sat at my desk, taking a sip of my drink. Whatever.


I walked into Mr. Hansen's office during my prep. He was by the window, rolling up a dollar bill before snorting something. I sat down in a chair in front of his desk.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now