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"Mama!" Bailee said as she ran over.

"Hi sweetie." I said.

Four months pregnant. I was just starting to show more.

We were at my parents house. I watched as Lloyd threw the football to Jack. Margo handed me a tea.

"Thank you." I said. Bailee set her head on my stomach. She was very excited about her baby sibling.

We didn't know the sex yet. We were just waiting to find out.

"Baby baby baby." Bailee said. I smiled as I played with her hair.

After a few minutes Lloyd came up. He came over and pecked my lips. "How you feeling?"

"Just fine." I said.

He sat down next to me, picking Bailee up. She whined.

"I'm next to little brother."

"You don't know if you are having a baby brother or sister yet." Lloyd said. I rubbed his thigh. Margo smiled.

"I think it's a boy too." She said. "He left your beauty."


"What? Boys keep the glow. Girls make you want to die. Did you even have morning sickness?"

"Not really."

"See? The boys just chill out in there."

I smiled, rubbing my stomach. "Well whoever it is, they make me so tired this time around."

"Maybe your husband should wear a condom once in a while."

I chuckled. "Trust me. I know."

Lloyd smiled, looking down at Bailee who was playing with his ring. She looked so cute.

"If you wanna go take a nap feel free." Lloyd said. I smiled, shaking my head.

"I'm okay."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

He moved his arm behind me on the couch. I smiled at him. He had been so supportive recently.

I truly loved him so much.


"I think I'm having twins. I should not be this big." I said as I looked in the mirror. Lloyd came out of the bathroom to look at me.

"We went in. There's one baby in there."

"Then it's huge."

"Maybe it's a boy."


"You wanna know the sex?"

"At some point yeah. We have to figure out the nursery."

"Still think it's a boy."

"You just want a football buddy."

"Well yeah but...I mean I also need him for other things."

"Bailee could run the business just fine." I said.

He nodded. I went to bed, getting comfy. He came over, getting into bed too. I pulled him into a little kiss.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm horny and I want this baby out."

He laughed, kissing me again. "Good to know. I'll fuck you when we're not in your childhood bedroom."

"Isn't that weird to have sex with me when I'm pregnant?"

"Only if you make it weird."

"Well it's your fault."

"You consented." He whispered jokingly.

"I will force you into a vasectomy."

"That actually might be a good idea. I mean do you wanna stop at two?"

"I think it's the perfect amount."

"Hmm. Well you do all the work pushing them out so I think I can go through a vasectomy."

"You serious?"

"If you want me to have one yeah. And I'm a bitch about condoms so if I'm gonna whine I might as well."

I just fell in love all over again.

"I love you." I whispered. He smirked.

"I should get it before you have the baby. That way you don't have to deal with three babies."

I giggled. "Yeah?"

"Mhm. And it's an excuse to miss more work."

"When are you gonna get it?"

"As soon as possible. I don't care."

I hummed. He pecked my lips, rubbing my stomach before laying down.

"Oh shit..Lloyd...baby's kicking." I said. I grabbed his hand, placing it right where I felt it.

He chuckled. "Is that the first time you've felt it?"

"Yeah." I said and smiled. "Oh my gosh."

He kissed my cheek. "It's a boy."

"Shut up." I said and laughed.


A few days later, and Lloyd was coming in after surgery. Denny had taken him. He gave me a little smile as he came in.

"Hey..you feel okay?"

"I feel wonderful."

I smiled. He went to the couch. Denny came over.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"No I'm fine. I cannot believe you convinced him to do this."

"He brought it up actually. I'm all good with two kids. How's Suz?"

"Ready to pop any day now."

"Well let me know if you need anything."

"Oh I will. I'll need that soup you make."

"Deal." I said and smiled. "Lloyd honey, you need anything?"

"A frickin kiss." He said. I laughed.

"Tell Suzanne I love her and I cannot wait to meet the baby."

"Okay." He said and hugged me. "Have fun."


Once Denny left, I came over and gave Lloyd a kiss. He smiled.

"Where's Bea?"

"Taking a nap. You hungry or anything,"

"No just come sit." He said. I lifted his head up, sitting down before resting his head on my lap.

"No more babies."

"Mmm mmm."

I heard Bailee going down the stairs. She ran over.

"Daddy!" She said. She jumped up on him. He pulled her up, avoiding his dick at all costs.

"Whoa! Hi." He said. I giggled as he set her on his chest.

"Are you hurt? Mommy said you had sir-gi-cur-y." She said.

"Surgery." I corrected.

"Yeah!" She said as she pounced on her dad. He grunted, making me laugh.

"I'm not hurt no. But you should snuggle." He said. She laid on his chest. He rubbed her back.

"Hey mommy."

"Yeah sweetie."

"When is baby coming out?"

"In four months. September."

"Hi baby." She whispered as she rubbed my stomach.

"He says hi."

"You said he." Lloyd mumbled.

"Shut it." I said. I kissed his hand. He hummed.

"I love you both." Lloyd said.

"Love you daddy."

"I love you." I whispered.

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