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I watched as Lloyds mom sat with Bailee. We were at their house. Lloyd had needed to come visit for a meeting with his dad.

"She's gotten so big." Eliza said.

"She would love if you came to stay once in a while. I mean the place is huge."

Eliza smiled. "Perhaps. It's just John. He never knows when to stop puttering and get out once in a while."

I smiled. Bailee set her head back on her grandmothers chest. She rested back in her seat a bit.

"Lloyd was not usually a big fan of touch at this age. And I longed for a child that did this. It was only once in a while. Mostly when he got yelled at by his father."

"Well she is the opposite. She only ever wants touch. Especially from Lloyd. He's an amazing father. And I believe that you and Mr. Hansen played a part in that."

"No. That's his own doing. He secretly loves kids. I wasn't the least bit surprised when he purchased that private school and then somehow became the principal. I'm sure you two will have more than her."

"I personally would wanna wait until after we get married."

"Oh of course. By the way, how is the planning going?"

"We set a date for December. And we have a venue. And that's it."

"Can I send you with money to buy you a dress?"

"No." I said. "Seriously no. I cannot have that on my conscience. I'll feel guilty."

"Why on earth would you feel guilty about getting yourself something nice?"

"Because I don't have to have you paying. I have money." I said.

"You are about to be my daughter in law, and I want to treat you." She said. She got up, handing me Bailee before finding her purse and counting out money. "Five thousand. Here."

"Mrs. Hansen! Five thousand? No."

"Yup. Buy a dress for this sweet little Angel too." She said, referring to Bailee. I sighed.

"Thank you."

Lloyd walked out of the office, a drink in hand. Mr. Hansen followed.

I glanced at Lloyd, and then at the money in my hand. He smiled. I didn't really know what to do in this situation.

"You spoiling my fiancé mother?"


Lloyd kissed my head, rubbing the back of Bailee's head. He sat down next to me. I glanced at him as he took the money.

"If you take that Lloyd.." Eliza said.

"I am not. She doesn't like that much money."


"Yes. I'll lose it." I said. Bailee groaned on me. I smiled.

"Yes sassy I am talking." I said softly. She didn't like when I talked while she was falling asleep.

Lloyd smiled, kissing her little head. John sat on a chair across from us.

"Lloyd you did this every time I scolded you. Exactly like that, you would go straight to your mother."

I watched Lloyd blush. I smiled. Bailee leaned into me more.

"Dada." She said. Lloyd smiled down at her, setting his drink down. He took her, relaxing. She stared at John.

"You wanna go see grandpa?" Lloyd asked. John shifted. She got up, going over.

"Oh she gets her rounds doesn't she." Eliza said. I nodded.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now