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Lloyd Hansen.

I got out of the car, walking to the door. I knocked on it.

Saturday. It had been four days since she's even talked to me. And my dumbass is standing on the doorstep of my fuck buddy with flowers and wine.

I heard the lock unlock. I looked at Caroline as she opened the door. She saw me and tried to shut it.

I grabbed a hold of the door, walking in. She stood in the middle of the doorway, not saying a word.


"Unless you're thanking me for being here, I don't wanna hear it. Now do you want a glass of wine?"

"I'm already drunk." She whispered. Perfect.

I set the vase of flowers on her table before petting Lassies head and going to pour us both some wine.

"Lassie come here." She said. She let her dog out the sliding glass door in the back.

She came into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. She was in comfy clothes, her hair up and glasses on.

"Let's go talk."

"I don't wanna talk." She whispered. I moved to kiss her head. She leaned into me.

"Caroline. Go sit down."

She nodded and went to go sit down. I just left the drinks in there. I went and sat with her.

"I need you to tell me everything."


"Lloyd. Please.."

I sighed, glancing at her. "I can't tell you."

"Then we can't do this. Whatever this is...it's over."

"Oh my god Carrie. Just listen! I cannot tell you because I cannot risk you getting hurt, or you thinking different of me. I just can't."

"Tell. Me."

I sighed. "I still use my cia background. I occasionally do some dirty work, and those guys are not on my good side. Let's just say this occupation has some enemies."

"Oh that's lovely. And they saw me, having sex. And with a couple clicks they can realize that I am a teacher at the school that you pretty much fucking own. What if they come after me?"

"They won't. I have people watching you."

"Watching me?! What am I some kind of social experiment?"

"No! You're someone I don't want hurt!"

She huffed. "You don't even care about me. We've been fucking for maybe two weeks."

"I care about you because I got you into this. When you asked if we could be casual I should've said no."

She stayed quiet. I realized that she was upset about that.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Yeah you should've fucking said no."

I felt a body on top of mine. My eyes immediately closed as she began kissing me. I laid back on the couch, putting her on top of me.

Her body quickly reacted, pulling my shirt off. She fumbled with her shirt and pants, getting them off. I grabbed my wallet while she took my boxers off, grabbing a condom.

She started pumping me. I stopped what I was doing, feeling myself relax from her touch.

She glanced at me as I stared down at her. Fuck whatever that look was.

She moved to get situated on top of me. Before I could even think about the fact that I was grabbing a condom, she sat on me, my dick going deep inside of her.

"Carrie- fuck.." I whispered. She stayed quiet, starting to move.

I sat up a bit, looking at her. She looked pissed. I moved my hand to her cheek.


Her eyes met mine. She was jealous? Maybe? Or just mad. I don't know. Maybe she felt that she had to prove herself.

I moved her onto her back, making her wince. She glanced down, watching me.

I moved to kiss her neck. She let out a little whimper. God damn.

I felt her clench on me, making me rest my head on her shoulder and try not to cum right away.

I felt her hand on the back of my neck. She softly rubbed her fingers across it.

Something about her made me weak. I slammed deep into her. I felt her legs start to shake.

I continued to slam deep into her. She moaned as I sat up. Her glasses were still on. I took them off and set them on the table next to us.

I grabbed her waist, slamming harder. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

The more I thought about how she looked in this position, the more I wanted to cum.

"Are you close?" I asked her.

She didn't say a word. She just moaned softly. I moved to rub her clit, making her whine. She clenched hard on me.

"Fuck- shit." I whispered. I came into her, still moving. She moaned and gripped onto my shoulder.

"Lloyd.." she croaked out as she came hard into me. I groaned and held onto the end of the couch. She panted softly.

I heard whimpering from the back door. She glanced over, seeing lassie.

She pushed me off, grabbing her sweatshirt and sweatpants to throw them on before putting her glasses on. I grabbed a blanket, putting it over myself while she let her dog back in.

After she got the dog in, she grabbed her dog bowl and got Lassie some food. She went back in the kitchen to down her entire glass of wine before coming back in and standing there.

"Why won't you say anything?" I asked. She continued staying silent.


She went back in the kitchen, grabbing more wine. I sighed, putting my boxers on before walking into the kitchen.

"Okay. Okay. Enough."

She glanced at me for a second before looking at the wine. I took it away.

"Please tell me what's running through your head."

"Am I safer dating you, or just being your fuck buddy?" She asked. I set the glass and bottle down, trapping her between my arms.

"You are safe either way."

"No I'm not." She whispered.

I pulled her into a kiss. She melted, setting her hands on my abdomen.

I pressed her against the counter more.

"Let me show you how safe you are.."

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now