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I woke up to Bailee on my chest. I smiled, pulling her in. Caroline's side of the bed was empty, but I saw her in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

I held my daughter close. She relaxed on my body more.

Caroline came back in, glancing at me. She was debating on whether or not to get back into bed.

I gave her a little look. She timidly got into bed.

I smiled, handing her bailee. "Sorry. I have to pee."

She cracked a smile, holding her daughter.

I went to the bathroom, and then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I came back out with chapstick in hand, putting some on.

I got back into bed, taking Bailee again. Caroline stayed where she was as Bailee cuddled up.



"Come here."

She moved to rest her head on my shoulder. I set my hand on her waist as she got comfortable.

"Mama." Bailee said. She smiled, kissing her daughters head.

Caroline was such a natural mom. I don't know if it's from being an aunt or teaching or what but she's got it in the bag.

I twirled her hair as she played with Bailee. I didn't know what to say to her after last night. But I knew I should say something eventually.

But today was about time with them.



I quietly did dishes. It was ten pm. Today had been okay. It was a little awkward with Lloyd, but that was expected.

Lloyd was on a call in the living room. He was fairly calm.

"I just wanna make sure you have it under control for three days while I'm out. That's all I ask."

He was only staying for three days. I didn't wanna think about it.

"It's three fucking days! I have a family at home that I need to be with right now. Take care of it, or I will find someone to not only take care of it, but take care of you."

He hung up, throwing the phone on the couch and coming into the kitchen.

"You want a drink?"


"Caroline would you like a glass of wine?"

"Yeah." I whispered. He grabbed two glasses, and some white wine from the fridge.

He poured us both a glass before handing me one. "Enough dishes."


"Just don't worry about them."


He didn't say anything, moving me into a kiss. I set my wine down, resting my hands on his chest. He deepened the kiss, warming me up.

"Let's go upstairs."

"We shouldn't do this."


"We haven't talked and there's pent up..everything."

"So what better way? Carrie...I'm so sorry. And I just- I miss you and your touch."

"You miss my body. That's all I am to you."

He cocked his head, moving his jaw a bit. "Really?"

I pushed him away, going back to the dishes. I was just even more pissed at this point. I didn't even want him here.

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now