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Lloyd walked downstairs after putting Bea down. He came over and stood in the kitchen. I was looking for a recipe in my grandmas old cookbook.

"Hey." I said. He came over, setting his hand on the counter while the other wrapped around my waist. He moved his hand on the counter closer to mine, holding it.

I got butterflies. I knew that my cheeks were a dark red.

I was marrying him in three weeks. Holy shit.

"You okay?" He whispered. I nodded.

I turned to face him, resting my body against the counter. His eyes were dark. He gave me a little smile.

"You sure?"

Time seemed to stop for a second.

I nodded. "I'm just tired."

I was. I was exhausted. He gave me a little smile.

"Go sleep then."

"No it's okay. I have some stuff to do. And we have to figure out a menu for the wedding. That was our goal."

"Yeah so what are you doing looking in a cookbook?"

"I don't know I could find something good. What should we even have?"

"That is the least of my worries. The first thing is that I marry you."

"Yeah but..."

"We have a wedding planner. It's okay. I hired her to make sure that you didn't have to stress. Because I just want you to have a good time."

"Well I am gonna have a good time."

"You know what you're gonna do is take a nap."

I sighed. "No."

He smiled until he heard a knock on the door. He opened his phone to check cameras before grabbing my waist and looking in my eyes.

"Stay right here."


"I don't know how he got in but you need to stay right here. Don't go up to Bailee. I know what he wants. He wants to see you."

"Why would you give him that?"

"Because then he can leave us alone."

He walked away. I didn't wanna be in here. I grabbed a gun from one of his drawers and put it behind my back in my pants. I could hear Lloyd's voice.

I decided to take action. I went into the pantry and dialed the number of Lloyds main bodyguard for me, Carl.

"Ms. Martin. Why are you calling me?"

"Doug got through the gate. He's at the house." I whispered. I heard Lloyd's voice, so I hung up and grabbed flour and sugar from the pantry to make it look like I was doing something.

I came out, seeing Doug standing there. I set everything down. Lloyd came over, resting his hand on my waist.

He felt the gun on my back. I took a deep breath. Doug just stared at me.

"Caroline do you know how long Lloyd has been in this business?"

"He was born into it."

"So tell me why now he has been so distracted over you. You are nothing compared to his business. He's so distracted that I got through his fortress."

"And?" I whispered. "What do you want from me?"

"I don't want you. You're a sweet girl. It's my girl that wants you."

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now