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I heard Lloyd come into the bedroom. I had stayed up.

"You're supposed to be asleep."

"I can't sleep."

He sighed, taking off his shirt. "They were buyers for something. I tried to keep them at the mansion. But I had guys watching to make sure they didn't go upstairs or anything."

I watched him change into pajama pants, keeping his shirt off.

"We can't have the house as a part of your job."

"I'm telling you Carrie. I did not try. It was not supposed to happen."

I nodded. He got into bed, kissing my cheek.

"You okay?"

"I was just worried. Definitely still not used to this stuff. Or used to holding a gun."

"Yeah. You weren't even holding it right but I'll teach you." He said. He took a deep breath. "Oh! That kiss earlier..."

"Oh my god." I said and smiled, resting back with my head on his chest.

He smirked. "And you're horny."

"Well yeah I know that. But it's weird knowing that there is something inside of me so that's why I haven't asked."

"If you find it to be too weird we won't, but I will if you want."

"So you're saying you're horny."

"Oh my fucking god Caroline it's been too long."

I sat up, getting on his lap. "You just can't look at my baby bump."

"It's cute."

"It's a growing fetus is what it is, so you can't look at it. It's like she's watching us."

"You said she."

"And I called it a he last week. Just depends." I whispered. "Also don't look at my tits cause they've gotten huge."

I felt him grow underneath me. I gawked.

"You dirty fucking dog."

"Yeah. Whatever." He said as he kissed me. He moved me down onto my back.

Our bodies were hot. And pretty soon, Lloyd was going to let Lassie out while I was getting undressed.

I was naked by the time he came back. I was under the sheets, feeling uncomfortable.

"You know I could care less what you look like, right?"

"Yeah I mean...yeah. Just-"

"I was in the shower with you last week. This time it's sex." He said. He was undressed. He got on top of me.

"It's different."

"Whatever. The lights are off. I can barely see you. And I'll be nice." He said.


He got between my legs. I took a deep breath. He lined up with me.

I felt him carefully push in. I took a deep breath, looking into his dark blue eyes.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded.

I was with him. So I was okay.

"If you need to stop please let me know."

"I'm good. You're fine."

He smiled, kissing me softly. This was already different than usual. This was so soft. It had to have been the most gentle he had ever been. I knew he didn't wanna hurt me. But we still needed this.

I watched as he started moving. The bump was weird. It was like I was really bloated, but not at the same time.

My hormones were definitely all over the place, because everything he did turned me on. Even the way he looked at me.

Maybe he would get me in one round. I hoped.

It was quiet. He moved his hand down to my clit. I whimpered.

"You good?"


He slammed into me a bit. I took a deep breath as he moved his weight onto both arms again.

His pace quickened, but he was so gentle at the same time.

He moved to kiss me again. My hands rested on his cheeks. He pulled away after a little, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." He said. His voice was soft and warm.

"I love you too."

He continued to slam into me. My legs shook around him already.


"Whenever." He whispered. "Whenever you're ready."

I didn't know what Lloyd did. I didn't know his business or his work. I didn't know if society would look at him as evil. But if they were to, they wouldn't see this side of him. Because in reality, Lloyd Hansen was the kindest, most loving man I had ever met. And he was mine. And I was his.

I whined as I came all over him. He grunted, slamming into me a few more times before cumming hard, deep inside of me.

I relaxed into the mattress as he slowed down. We were both softly panting.

Lloyds lips lightly brushed over my collarbone. "All good?"


"That satisfy you for a bit?"

"Uh huh." I said and smiled. I closed my eyes, rubbing the back of his neck.

He carefully pulled out, getting up to grab his boxers. He handed me my stuff, kissing my forehead.

"Go pee, and then come to bed." He whispered. I changed and got out of bed, going to the bathroom.

Once I was done I came back in. Lloyd pulled me in, kissing my head.

I set my head on his chest. He took a deep breath.

"Hey...about the thing earlier. I'm so sorry for not telling you. I feel awful. I should've like..texted you at least so you wouldn't worry."

"It's okay." I whispered. "I wouldn't have cared honestly, but now with the baby...I don't know I guess I just get more worried. Like I don't just have me to worry about now."

He kissed my head. I moved to glance at him. "I love you. And I'm not trying to sound like a bitch at all, but you need to defend this thing just as much as me. If they're trying to get something, push back. Do not allow them in our- your house. I know how mean you can be. Don't go soft about that."

"You've made me quite soft."

"Then man the fuck up."

"Jesus Christ. What is this coming from?" 

I sat up a bit. "I know you're gonna be a good dad. I know that from watching you with lassie and my nieces and nephews and even from how you live me. But I need you to be a good dad in the sense that you own a business that could kill this baby and I in a snap. I need to know with every single cell in my body that I'm safe here. I'm safe with you. And that my child will be safe."  

He nodded. "Okay. Yeah. Yeah and...I will. I'll be here for you.."

"Thank you."

"God you scare me."

"Sorry. I didn't mean for that...I'm just on edge."

"No. It's fine. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's sleep."

My Office: A Lloyd Hansen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now