I shrug. "I work as a substitute teacher now."

My mom pouts her lip out, looking severely disappointed. "What happened? I thought you liked being an assistant teacher."

"Yeah, but there were some problems--" I begin but then the phone ringing cuts me off. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering who it could be. I reach over to the other side of the couch and answer it, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?"

Heavy breathing and gasping is immediately all that I can hear from the other end of the phone. Panic flows through my body. 

"Kailtyn?!" A worried voice shrieks my name, piercing through my ears. I'm frozen in time, unsure of what to do. Why are they so nervous? "Kaitlyn, it's your brother. Something--Something ha--hap--happ--GOD!" 

I flinch, growing very anxious. I feel bad just sitting down on the couch and hearing Krist in pain, but I can't understand what he's trying to tell me. "Krist, I can't understand what you're saying."

"He--Kurt--He--" He then begins to cry. 

My body tenses up. 

Something happened with Kurt. 

Something's wrong with Kurt. 

What could've possibly happened? It's nothing that I can help with since I'm all the way in a different fucking country. 

My mom notices how I'm acting. "Kaitlyn, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Is Kurt okay?" I ask Krist. I need to make sure that he's okay. If I know that he's okay, then I'll be able to calm down. 

"I don't--No. No. He's not okay right now, Kaitlyn. He needs you. He needs you. He--" Krist begins to breathe even heavier than before. "He overdosed again, Kaitlyn."

My mouth clasps over my mouth, as if it's an immediate reaction now to me receiving bad news. Except this time it isn't just bad news. It's a fucking emergency. 

It feels as if all the air has been taking out of my lungs. I've forgotten how to breathe. Why can't I breathe?

"Kaitlyn," My mom says in a worried tone, but it's as if she's talking into both of my ears at once, yet different times. 

The world begins to spin and I'm losing myself. 

I'm losing myself. 

I remind myself that I'm losing myself and that I need to find myself again. 

I close my eyes and think about where I am and what I'm doing in this moment. I'm sitting down on the couch and I'm on the phone with Krist. 

I open back up my eyes and say into the phone, "Where are you? Are you guys at the hospital?"

He ignores what I say. "He needs you Kaitlyn. You need to come down here right now."

I shake my head. "That's not possible, Krist. You're in a different country."

"Then get on a plane and fly here! But you need to come here! I don't know what to do, Kaitlyn. I don't know what to--" He tries to breathe again and then his voice is hushed, but still in use. 

Then, the phone fumbles around and another voice comes into the phone. 

"Kaitlyn," Shelli's reassuring voice comforts me. "Krist is a mess right now. We all are. It's very complicated, but long story short, you need to come to Rome. We already bought you a ticket before we told you. It's leaving in two hours. Pack a bag, bring some clothes, bring whatever you need, and get your ass down here."

She hangs up the phone and even though I'm in such an amount of shock, I still find it in myself to stand up and explain to my mom what happened. 

"Kurt overdosed. I need to go to Rome."

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora