Chapter 99

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February 20, 1994

Modena, Italy

Shelli decided to come with me and stay in a different hotel before Kurt's birthday so he wouldn't see us and know that I was coming to surprise him. 

When Krist first brought up the idea of surprising Kurt in Italy for his birthday, I was so sick that I didn't fully comprehend what he was suggesting. It wasn't until I woke up the next day and Shelli explained to me the plan that I was able to understand what he wanted to accomplish.

Last night, we arrived at Italy really late. We immediately went to a hotel--not the one that Kurt is staying at--and slept until this morning, where we're waiting for Krist to call us and tell us the plan.

My heart races as I try to imagine what Krist is going to have us try to do. This whole morning (besides getting read/dressed for the day) I've been sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for Krist to call and instruct us.

Shelli, on the other hand, isn't nervous at all. In fact, she's going stir crazy just thinking about seeing her husband again after being apart for a couple weeks.

When I think of a perfect relationship, I think of Krist and Shelli. They're able to be apart from each other on tour and rarely have any arguments. They're very simple people and don't really have anything to argue about. They don't have kids to worry about, either.

Just then, the phone rings and without hesitation, I reach over to grab it, not letting it ring even fully one time.

"Hello?" I answer, really excited. 

"Well someone's happy," Krist says through the phone and I exhale out of relief that it's him that called. "Here's what I want you and Shelli to do. You know that restaurant I pointed out to you before you arrived? That I told you would be next to the hotel you're staying at? Go there and stay outside the main doors and I'll meet you two there."

I look over at Shelli who's anxiously waiting for me to speak any words. I smile, thinking about seeing Kurt once more. 

"Okay, yes, we'll do that," I say. "Thank you, Krist."

"Of course. Goodbye." He hangs up the phone.

I stand up and explain to Shelli was Krist wanted us to do. "Do you think we should leave now?"



Krist turns around to face Shelli and I with his hand placed on the door knob that's holding us back from entering the hotel room. 

"I don't want you coming in just yet, Kaitlyn," He says to me. "Well, actually, it would be perfect if he was doing something else right now and then you could hide in a different room and come up behind him and scare him."

Shelli squeals. "That's so cliche, but it'll work. Kaitlyn, you guys have to do this."

"Okay, but then that means that you guys go in there first and make sure he's not there," I say to them. 

Krist nods and then he and Shelli walk inside, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My legs begin to softly shake, nervous for Kurt's response. What if he's mad that I'm here or if he just wanted to be alone on his birthday?

Every single time we've talked on the phone prior to this moment, he hasn't mentioned his birthday or wanting to do anything for it. Granted, I didn't either, so maybe he just assumed I didn't want to do anything. 

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now