54.1: all i want is you.

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inspiration: the stalker getting arrested outside of taylor's apartment today. 


"Baby, breathe," Travis told Taylor as she hyperventilated on the other end of her phone. "It's ok. You're safe." He hated that he couldn't be there with her right now. He hated that she was experiencing this. He hated that he couldn't protect her every second of every day. "Your security handled it. There's no one trying to get into your apartment. The bastard has been arrested. Take some deep breaths."

"Ca...ca...can you just ask Coach Reid if I can stay in the hotel with you? I just want to be with you. I don't want to be here by myself." Both Taylor and Travis knew she was never truly by herself. She had at least three security guards at all times. She hadn't been truly alone in YEARS. Travis knew what she truly meant, however. Her security guards weren't the same as being with him. Being under him. Being attached at his hip at all times.

"I'll call and ask him. I'll call you right back ok?" Travis replied. Taylor agreed and the phone hung up. Taylor pulled her knees into her chest. She was terrified. There were so many times where something like this had happened, but never had they gotten into her home while she was there. Many times it was close calls, or she wasn't home at all. the knock at her bedroom door caused her to nearly jump out of her skin. She got up from her bed, and went to her door, opening it slightly to peek out. She saw the head of her security standing there, and let out a bit of the stress and tension that had built up and opened the door for him. She went back over to her bed and made herself comfy again. 

"Everything is cleared now, Ms. Swift." He told her. It was meant to make her feel more at ease, but it did nothing. She wanted to leave. She wanted to be with Travis. 

"Thank you." Taylor told him. He nodded and walked back out of her bedroom door, closing it behind him. As soon as the door closed, like clockwork, her phone rang, a picture of her and Travis popping up on the screen. "What he say?" She asked, not even greeting him this time around. She was just ready to go. Ready to be with him. Ready to feel like she was safe again. 

"He's cool with it. I just had to promise you wouldn't be a distraction, of course." It was almost as if she could hear the faint smile on his face. He was trying to make her laugh. Trying to make her smile. It was the most he could do over the phone when it came to comforting her. 

"Ok. Ok. Ok." The panic was still present in her voice. Her mind kept going back to the events of the day and how things could have gone seriously wrong. 

"I'm sure you already have your things together for tomorrow, so get yourself something for tonight, and be on your way, yeah?" Taylor nodded, knowing that he couldn't see her. "I'll see you in a couple of hours, ok?"

"Ok." She replied. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Just breathe. It's over. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you." He was saying the words, but she didn't believe them. She wanted to believe them in the moment, but she wouldn't feel like she was until she was with him. He was her safe place. He was home to her. Wherever he was, that's where she wanted to be. That's where she felt like she needed to be. 


The flight from New York City to Buffalo was about an hour and a half. She spent most of the flight texting friends, her mom, and Travis. Her mind was still racing, even though she was well away from her New York City apartment. She had only a bag which was mostly her outfit for tomorrow night's game and a pair of pajamas to sleep in for the night. She didn't need much, so the second she got off the phone with Travis, she grabbed the few things she needed, put them in a carry-on suitcase, and out the door, she went to board her jet. 

Pulling up to the hotel that Travis was staying in while he was in this city, she saw him standing outside, in a hoodie, shorts, and slides, waiting on her. Seeing the car pull up, Travis walked over and opened the back door. "Hey baby." He said the second Taylor got out of the car and wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, swaying her side to side as they hugged. "You're alright. You're safe with me." He whispered into her hair. Hearing his words in person made them seem more true. Being in his arms as he said them, made them seem more true. She never wanted to let him go. "Let's get you upstairs out of this cold." He kissed the top of her head and took her hand in his and led her into the hotel. 

"Do you want to order something to eat?" He asked, once they got back into his hotel room. "Chicken tenders? Soup? Salad? Something?"

"I want to take a shower and watch a movie, and just cuddle with you." Travis plopped down on the bed and pulled Taylor into him, so that she was standing in front of him. 

He looked up at her, holding her hips. "Ok, we can do all of that. But you also need to eat too." He knew how she could get when she was like this. The hurt and panic was still very present on her face. Her appetite for anything was gone, but he was going to make her eat something at least.

She let out a sign. "What are you going to eat?" She asked him. If he ate, then she would eat, or at least try to eat. 

"Um..." Travis sat her down beside him and reached for the menu that was on the bedside table. He pulled her onto his lap so that they could look at the menu together. He flipped to the kids menu, knowing that the smaller potions and the options would be better for the both of them. Two picky eaters in a relationship meant basic meals. "Should we get chicken tenders, a cheese quesadilla, salmon, or a burger?"

"I think I want chicken tenders." Travis knew her so well. It was her go to comfort food. She always ate them with the same sauces, no matter what city, state, or country she was in. It was safe, it was familiar, it couldn't be messed up, and it was always on the menu.

"Alright, I think I'm going to go with the burger and salmon." He nodded. "You can have my extra fries." Taylor smiled. The first time she smiled since the whole ordeal happened earlier. This man. This man had the ability to flip her mood in seconds. She loved that. She loved him. She loved that about him. 

"Sounds like a deal." Travis grabbed the phone and ordered the food. 

"Thirty minutes. Should we shower in that time?" Taylor nodded. They made their way into the bathroom and took a quick shower. The rest of the night was as planned. Shower, food, movie, and cuddles. By the end of the night, Taylor had fallen asleep during the third movie. Hearing her soft snores, Travis turned the TV off, kissed the top of her head, and settled into a comfortable sleeping position, careful not to wake her as she laid in his arms. He fell asleep knowing that she felt safe and comfortable again and more like herself.

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