20.2: back together.

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continuation of as long as you love me. 


'I can't wait to meet our new godchild in 9 months!'

Taylor laughed at the message that was in the group chat that she had with a few of her best friends. Today was the day. Today she was getting her man back. It had been a long six months without being home. She tried her best to take Luna to see him as much as possible and he called as much as he could. She made sure to keep money on his books and on his calling card so they could talk at least once if not more, times a day. 

'If I get pregnant in these next few days, I don't think I would care'

She sent back. She and Travis hadn't talked about having more kids. Luna could be a handful by herself, but she knew the next week or two was going to be filled with making up for lost time. She never imagined having to go 180 days without her man. Her husband. Her soulmate. Her comfort. Her joy. That man meant everything to her, her and their daughter didn't know what to do without him.

'Good. You need to have a boy.'

Having a little boy would be nice, but she really wanted Luna to have a sister. Luna wanted a sister. She wanted someone she could play dolls and dress up with. She didn't know how to tell her 4 year old that she could also do those things with a little brother, but that was a conversation for another day. Today... she was going to go pick up the love of her life. 

'Do you need one of us to get Luna from school today?'

Taylor laughed as she pulled her shoes on. 

'Trav wants to check her out today so we can go out to eat and stuff.' 

Travis had the whole day planned. He wanted to pick Luna up from school early. He wanted to go out to eat, just him and his girls. He wanted to visit his parents. He wanted them to have a family dinner. And she was going to make sure all of that happened. She wasn't sure when exactly he wanted to get Luna, but she was hoping she got some time with him before that. 

'I'm so happy for you. I hope you three have a great day. Call us tomorrow. Lol'

She needed to head out. She needed to drop Luna off at school and then she would be making the hour long drive to pick up Travis.

'Can somebody be on standby just in case I need you to pick Lu up? I'm about to bring her to school and then go get him.'

All the the girls replied with a different verison of yes and put a smile on Taylor's face. One thing about her friendship, they were going to look out for her, her man, and her child. 


Seeing him walk out of the jail she could feel herself getting giddy. It felt like their first date. It felt like the day they got married. She was wishing he would move faster. The secruity gate opened, and once he was on the other side, she ran to him, jumping into his arms. Her arms around his neck, her legs securely around his waist. Home. Safety. Comfort. Every bit of stress and pain she had felt the last 6 months melted around. 

He wrapped his arms tightly around her, vowing to himself to never do anything ever again in his life to have to go back to jail and be away from her. To be away from their daughter. To be away from the family and the life they built together. He stood there for a while just holding her. Just getting reaccustomed to her being attached to him. Realizing that the 6 month wait was over. 

"No more fighting. I don't care what anyone says about me." She told him, starting to kiss all over his face. She could not stop thinking about that night. Someone made couple of disrespectful comments about her. She was ignoring every one of them, but they got under Travis' skin. She wanted to stop him, but once he was upset, and once he felt he needed to defend the honor of the people he loved, there was no talking him out of it.

"So, I can fight if its not you." He laughed. He knew what she meant, but it was just in his nature to mess with her. 

"No!" She continued to kiss him over and over again. It felt like there was a kiss for each day he was gone. Each hour he was gone. Each minute he was behind that stupid glass, behind those stupid bars.  He walked back over to her car, placing her down on her feet on the passenger side. For the first time in 6 months, he kissed her. Kissed her like he had never kissed her before. God how he missed her. How she missed him. How they missed each other. Nothing could ever perpare either of them for that that forced vacation from each other. They had been together for years, and they had never been away from each other more than a couple of days. Six months? That was torture for everyone involved.  

"Can I get some time with you before we go get Lu?" It was almost 8:30 AM, and really Luna didn't get out of school until 3. Taylor could only nod. She was still at a lost for words. She was finally back in his arms. She could finally take him home. "I want to have you to myself for a little bit." She was fine with that. He planted another kiss to her lips before opening the car door and letting her in. He walked around to the drivers side and got in himself. He got in the car himself, and all he could do was look over at her. "I missed you so much, baby."

"I missed you too." He leaned over, giving her another long kiss before he started the car and started in the direction of their home. He turned the hour long drive into one way shorter. 


2PM. It was now 2PM, and they were finally on their way out of the door to go get Luna from school. From the time they walked into the door, until now, they hadn't stopped being all over each other. From the living room, to the kitchen, to their bedroom, to the bathroom. If they had more time, they were both almost positive they would still be at it. Making up for lost time had never felt so right. 

He stood behind her as she straightened one last piece of her hair. "You look beautiful, baby."

She smiled. She never realized just now much she missed him standing behind her in the mirror and complimenting her. She never realized how much she missed a lot of things he did for her until he wasn't there to do them. She appriciated him a little more now than she had before, promising herself she wouldn't take his little compliments and little geasutres for granted. "Thank you, baby." She finished up her hair and unplugged her flat iron. They both finished up in the bathroom, getting dressed, and headed back out to the car. 

It was time to pick up Luna from school. Travis missed Luna's first day of Pre-K because of the whole ordeal, so he was excited to see his baby girl in her little uniform, with her little backpack, at her school. They pulled up to her school, not evne ten minutes later, and buzzed themselves in. 

"Hii, picking up Luna Kelce." Taylor told the secretary. The secrtary nodded, taking Taylor's ID and looking at it quickly, making sure it matched Luna's files, before she called Luna's classroom so she could be sent down to the office. "Also, can I add dad to her emergency card now? Or should we come back another day?"

"I can do it now, I just need his ID, so we can scan it into the system." Travis nodded and pulled his license from his wallet and handed it to the secretary. It took her no time at all to do what she needed to do and hand them back their things. 

The wait for Luna felt like an hour, but was only about 5 minutes. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Both Taylor and Travis heard from down the long hallway, and the sound of little feet speeding towards him. Travis scooped Luna up the second she got to him, spinning her around. "I'm so happy you're back, Daddy. No more bad stuff!"

"No more bad stuff, I promise." Just like Taylor early, Luna started to kiss him a million times. Luna's comments and actions fostered a few chuckles from the office staff.

"Thank you." Taylor told the school workers before the the three of them walked out of the school and back to the car. This was the beginning of everything going back to normal. Back to the way it should be. 

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