58.3: i won't let nobody hurt you.

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continuation of series 58: ( 1.  reveal the secret. (tw) and 2. never grow up. )


Travis Kelce Assults Paparazzi. 

Taylor took a deep breath as she looked at the article that Tree sent her about the day's events. LA was no joke when it came to the paparazzi. She tended to avoid going out at all costs when she was there, so that she didn't have to deal with them. But, seeing as she hadn't returned to the city in a while, she, Travis, decided that lunch with some friends they hadn't seen would be nice. They had gotten themselves and Scarlett ready for the day and headed out. Getting there was no problem at all. No one was around. They gathered with friends, laughed, talked, and had a great time. It was leaving when things got hectic. 

"Come on Scar, let me take you," Travis said to the 3-year-old, trying to remove her from her mother's hold. 

"Noooo!" Scarlett cried. She had been clinging to Taylor lately, even though normally she was all about Daddy. Looking at all of the people who were standing in a crowd between the restaurant door and their car was worrisome to Travis. He needed to get both of his girls into that car safely. 

"Trav, just leave it alone, we don't need a meltdown right now," Taylor said, referring to Scarlet and her moods. She was right, but Travis was close to saying he didn't care about the little girl's tantrum, as long as he got her in the car without anyone touching or getting to close to her.

"Tay, there's too many people out here for her to get her way right now." 

"I'm just trying to make the ride home peaceful," Taylor told her husband. She was starting to get overstimulated by being out for so long and seeing the crowd just made it worse. She did not want to be on a car ride home with a screaming toddler.

"I don't give a damn about that." Travis tried to argue. He was more concerned with both of their safety.

"I do." Taylor told him sternly. The tone of her voice alone made him know that she wasn't going to move on that matter. She was going to let Scarlett stay exactly how she was. "Put her face in Mommy's neck, baby." She told the toddler, who instantly knew what to do, turning her head so that she was no longer facing away from Taylor. There were a few pictures of Scarlett that were captured by the paps, but Taylor and Travis tried to limit those photos from happening as much as they could. 

Travis pulled Taylor close to him, wrapping his arm loosely around her waist to help guide her to the car. "Back up, back up." Their security guard, Adam, yelled as they tried to make their way through the crowd of people. Travis could see Scarlett's hold on Taylor get tighter as the screams got louder. Their names are being yelled from all directions. It felt like a lifetime passed, but they finally reached the car. As Travis tried to open the door for Taylor, but it swung back, almost closing on her and Scarlett. 

Travis' natural reflexes kicked in when he realized that one of the paparazzi had pushed the door, as he tried to move closer to Taylor and Scarlett to get his shot. "Hey, didn't we say back the fuck up." Travis yelled, pushing the man backward. 

"A push is hardly assault," Travis defended. 

"But you shouldn't have done it. You know how this is going to look on you." Taylor told him turning off the light in the bathroom and walking into the main part of their bedroom. Scarlett was already in bed for the night, and she and Travis were about to do the same thing. 

"It's going to make me look like I was trying to protect my wife and daughter from maniacs that don't know what boundaries are." Taylor let out a loud sigh as she climbed into bed. Travis pulled her close, rubbing her pregnant belly. "There is no reason, any man, or anyone for that matter, should be getting that close for a picture of a pregnant mother and her toddler." He didn't regret it one bit. "I'd do it any day of the week, any time of the year. No one, and I mean no one, is going to hurt you or our kids if I have anything to do with it." He told her, kissing the top of her head. "You can be mad at me, but I'm not apologizing, and I'm not taking it back."

"I'm not mad at you, baby." She rested her head on his chest, letting her fingers run circles through his chest hairs. "I love that you're so protective of us. I just don't want to see you getting dragged through the mud for your actions, even if they are justifiable." She hated it when people tried to spin him into some type of aggressive monster. He was the further thing from that. His aggression on the field never translated to life at home, and she just did not want this to be some type of "see, we told you!" for some of her fans, whom she didn't really consider fans.

"I know sweetheart, but what's done is done. He shouldn't have been that close." Taylor closed her eyes, wanting sleep to take over her. She was tired. Today had been eventful, to say the least. She hated that their outing had to be ruined by people not understanding simple common courtesy. "Good night, dollface." 

Taylor laughed a little. "Good night." She replied. She felt him lean over to turn off his bedside table lamp. She knew it wouldn't, but she hoped by tomorrow all of this would blow over. 

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