16.3: end of all the endings.

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continuation of can i be him? and high infidelity

"Joe, can we talk?" Taylor said the second they got back into her apartment. This was it. She had to do it. She was tired of this. She wanted Travis to be coming into her apartment right now, not Joe. She took her heels off and placed them next to the door. Taking them upstairs to the closet just didn't seem like fun at the moment. She put her clutch and her phone down on the table that sat beside the door. 

"About what?" Joe questioned. "About how you have a boyfriend?" Taylor was walking towards the couch but stopped in her tracks when she heard the words. "What's his name? Travis, right?" Joe said, leaving Taylor in complete shock. How the hell did he know that?

"How....how did you know?" 

"You're not as sneaky as you think," Joe said. "You also shouldn't leave your phone lying around." He said, walking up the stairs. She was speechless. When was she careless with her phone? When did she leave it down for him to pick up and go through her phone? She was never away from her phone for more than five minutes, so there was no way for him to find out. She followed behind him up the stairs. 

"You went through my phone?" She asked. 

"I didn't have to." Now she was confused. How the fuck did he know if he never went through her phone? "You've called me his name, more than once, Taylor." 

"And you never said anything?" She asked. What kind of sick games was he playing? Why was he holding her hostage in this relationship if he was aware she wasn't being faithful to him? Why would he lie about going through her phone if he never had?

"I wanted to see how long you would let this go on." She watched him shrug his shoulders. He was being so nonchalant about this. It was almost the confirmation that she needed that he was also cheating. He didn't care just like she didn't. "And judging how long you went to the restroom tonight, your boyfriend has had enough of the sneaking around and wants you to finally end things with me." Joe laughed, which instantly pissed her off. 

"So you've just been accepting this, all this time and not saying anything?!" She was upset now. "I haven't been happy in this relationship for over a year! You haven't tried to fix anything that is wrong with us, and now that I'm happy with someone else, you notice that and don't say anything?!" 

"You didn't say anything either, sweetheart." He had a smudge look on his face 

"Get out. Please, get the fuck out." She told him. Annoyed at the sight of him. Annoyed that he thought this was some type of game. Like it was some type of game. 

"Why? So you can call your new man to be with you tonight?" Joe asked, with the same expression on his face. She knew he was only doing this because it was getting under her skin. 

"No, because I pay the bills in this house, which makes it mine, which makes you a trespasser. So I suggest you get out before I call the police or my security. Whichever one you prefer." She gave him a fake smile and tilted her head to the side. Of course, she was also going to call Travis and see if he could come over if he was still in the city. "Also, you say not a word of this to anyone."

 "I rarely talked about you when we were together, what makes you think for a single moment, that I'm going to talk about you now that we aren't?" He retorted. She watched as gathered the few belongings that he had at her place, put them in a bag, and walked out of the bedroom and out of her apartment. She picked up her phone and texted Travis. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


After the charity event, Travis went out drinking with his brother and some other friends. He was still thinking about seeing Taylor with her boyfriend. It wasn't a normal occurrence for her boyfriend to be at these things, and just seeing them together pissed him off a bit.  To him, she was his girl. He downed another shot just as his phone buzzed. He picked it up and looked at the text he had gotten. A smile slowly appeared on his face when he saw that it was Taylor. He answered her quickly and put the phone down. "Jas, I need you to jump me off somewhere." He whispered to his brother. Jason didn't look all too pleased by his brother's request. Travis was sure his brother knew where he was going, but he didn't give a damn. He needed to be with her. 

His brother just nodded in agreeance. They spent a few more minutes in the bar with friends before the two of them headed out and climbed into Jason's car. "How long are you going to let her string you along like this, man?"

"They broke up." Travis said, not a care in the world in his voice. He wasn't going to explain anything more to Jason. He loved his brother, but sometimes it felt as if he was judging his decisions, and Travis didn't have time for that, not today. 

"Are you sure?" Travis didn't answer, he just took out his phone and scrolled. He scrolled silently as Jason drove. It didn't take long before they had pulled up outside of her apartment. Luckily, there were no paparazzi lurking around, or so it seemed. 

"Thanks, brother," Travis said, throwing on the hood of his hoodie before he hopped out of the car and into her place. He made it to her door and knocked, a smile appeared the second the door opened and he saw her standing there. She had changed out of her clothes, removed her makeup, and was just in her comfy clothes. "My beautiful girl," Taylor responded by wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He walked into her place with her hanging on to him. He closed the door behind him, locking it.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her feet off the ground. "He said he knew already." 

"He did?" Travis didn't want to talk about him. He just wanted time with her. He knew she would be off to another country soon, and he still had a couple of games left of the season. Once he was done, however, where she was, that's where he wanted to be. 

"Yeah... and that..." He scooped her up and kissed her to shut her up. He didn't want to hear another word about Joe or what he knew or thought. "You been drinking?" She asked, kissing other parts of his face and eventually his neck.

"Little bit." He didn't want to say he was drinking to try to numb the fact that he wasn't with her. That he was drinking because of her now ex being present. He started to walk in the direction of her bedroom. "Is that a problem?"

"No." She replied, reconnecting their lips. This was the end of the night, as it should have been from the beginning. 

to be continued (part 4 is called 'new heights')

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن