64.0: nothing else matters.

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Travis laughed with his friends, in the middle of the quad, when his girlfriend came storming towards them. The look on her first was less than pleasant, and Travis was already rolling his eyes at what exactly could be making her this upset suddenly. "I need to talk to you." Her voice was filled with both anger and sorrow, but only he could notice the latter of the two. Travis's friends just looked at the girl, annoyed with her presence as usual.

"What, Tay?" Travis asked, not moving from his spot in the grass. Taylor simply gave him an evil glare, and from there he knew this wasn't a conversation she wanted to have with an audience listening. He rolled his eyes and got up from where he was sitting. Her facial expression was worrisome but not worrisome enough for him to think they were about to break up or something. He approached the girl and instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and started to walk her backward away from the group. "What do we need to talk about?" He asked, as they got to a secluded spot away from the traffic of people switching from class to class and just generally getting where they needed to go. They sat down on a bench, facing each other.

"Today in class, I overheard..." Taylor paused for a second and took a breath. He already knew where this was going and he already didn't like this conversation.

"Overheard what?" Travis asked, just trying to get her to continue with her thoughts.

"Overheard these girls talking about you." She replied.

"What did they say?" Travis didn't believe for a second that Taylor overhearing something about him on accident. There were people out to ruin any and every relationship he got into because of him status on campus. Jealousy was an ugly trait on anyone, but Travis especially hated it on girls he had slept with once or twice but didn't pursue anything further with. The jealousy and the things said caused many fights in previous relationships and he thought with Taylor he would escape this. At least, he thought Taylor wouldn't be the type to question his actions when he gave her no reason to.

"You don't know what commitment is, and relationships are just a game for you," Travis rolled her eyes and sucked his teeth. That was nothing he hadn't heard before. He was perfectly capable of being a faithful and attentive boyfriend. It was just no girl he had been with before held his attention. Taylor was holding his attention, and he hadn't even thought about straying away from her to another.

"How long have we been together now?" He asked, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He hated to be doubted, especially by someone he he held with high regard.

"Five months," She replied timidly.

"And have I given you any reason to doubt me?" He asked.


"Then can you please stop listening to what other people say?" He was trying his hardest to say this without coming off as an asshole, which he knew could happen given his direct nature in situations like this one. "Those girls are jealous that you have my attention, and they don't. They want me, and can't have me, because I want you, baby."

"Even your friends...." Taylor started, but Travis cut her off.

"It doesn't matter what my friends think. But if you keep picking fights with me over it, then you're gonna give me a reason to end things." He wasn't good with confrontation. He hated drama and fighting in relationships. If all of his relationships were going to be like this while he was in college, he just would rather not date. He knew what he said to Taylor was a little bit too harsh given how sensitive the girl's feelings were, but it needed to be said; if not now, then it would have come out at a time when he was extremely pissed, and it was 10 times worse. "Do you trust me?" Travis asked, hoping to smooth over the hurt that was starting to show in Taylor's adorable light blue eyes. She nodded in response. "Then I need you to trust that I'm not playing you."

"Ok." She said softly.

"Should we go grab an early dinner?" Travis asked, wanting to spend the rest of the evening with her before they turned into their separate rooms for the night.

"Yea, if you want." A small smile appeared on her face. He gave a little nod, and they both got up off the bench on which they had settled. He took his girlfriend's hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked back over to his group of friends to get his things. He told the group he'd catch up with them later. He caught a glimpse of their reactions, and as usual, they weren't too pleased that he was ditching them to be with Taylor, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but his girlfriend right now, and that's the way it had to be. 

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