45.0: the harder we fall.

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we're all afraid that tomorrow everything could change

"Trav did you see his little face when they put him in the car? He didn't want to go!" Taylor cried as she paced throughout the living room. Travis knew this was going to be hard when they took on this responsibility, but he didn't know it was going to be this emotionally grueling on the both of them. They had been caring for this 1 year old and calling him their son since he was five days old and never once had they expected this. They were told that it was a possibility, but never once since he was put into their care had this happened. Travis stared blankly in the direction of the television, not paying a bit of attention to what was flashing on the screen. He was too deep into thought. Too deep into thought to even realize much of what Taylor was actually saying to him, until the words that flew from his wife's mouth hit a nerve.

"What did you say?" Travis asked, hoping that what he had heard only moments before was wrong and a figment his imagination.

"I said you're acting like you don't even care!" She reiterated, this fine louder than the first time.

"You can't actually believe that," Travis said, raising an eyebrow. He knew she was upset, but there was no way in the world she actually was believing the words she was saying right now.

"Our baby is somewhere wanting us and all you can do is look at the fucking TV?!" Travis was in shock as he listened to the words Taylor said. He couldn't believe it. Suddenly Taylor's whole figure went blurry and her voice started to sound like a murmur as she ranted about how he seemed distant. "Why are you letting this happen?! Why aren't you..."

"STOP BLAMING ME!" He screamed, startling not only himself but Taylor. It had been years since he had an outburst like this, but with every word Taylor had thrown at him in the last five minutes, he held back like he usually could. "I never wanted this! I never wanted to be a foster parent because I knew this could happen! I never wanted to get attached to a baby just to have it taken from us. Do you think I fucking wanted this?!" Before he could say anything else, he got up off of the couch, grabbing his car keys and cell phone from the spot where he had thrown them earlier in the day. He needed to leave. He needed to clear his mind and be alone. He hated latching out, especially at Taylor.

"Trav, wait!" The tone of Taylor's voice had changed, but he didn't care. He kept walking until his hand hit the doorknob and he was out the house.

* * *

"Trav, wait!" Taylor said, trying to trail behind him, but when he was like this, he moved faster than normal and he was out of the door before Taylor could touch him. More tears started to cascade down her face, she knew him, and when she was like this, he wouldn't be home for hours, and answering his phone wasn't going to happen. Taylor found herself with her back against a wall, slowly sliding down it. She formed her body into a ball, wrapping her arms around her legs as she continued to cry. Now she had to worry about the two of them. She already couldn't get her mind off of Porter and his little face when the social worker took him from her arms so that he could go and visit his birth mother. He had been with them all but five days of his life. She and Travis were who he knew, and the look of confusion on his face hours ago proved that. He wasn't good with strangers, and at times he'd cry until he threw up. She hated that she had to sit here and wait out the hours until he was brought back to them, well her since Travis was gone for however long now.

She had been sitting there for she didn't even know how long when the door bell rang. She got up from where she had been sitting and started towards the door, wiping the tears that lingered and fixing her hair. She got to the door and opened it and let out a loud sigh of relief when she saw the social worker and their little boy. "How did he do?" Taylor asked taking the sleeping child from the older woman's arms.

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن