21.3: so chill.

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continuation of 'lipstick of your face' and 'so it goes'


Taylor walked into the door of her home and dropped everything. Mid-May was the worst time as a teacher. Everybody was burned out. The kids were done, the teachers were done, the administration was done. Everyone was only there to please the government at this point. No real work was being done, and everyone was just counting down to the last day of school. She smiled a little when she saw Travis lying on her couch. Without any thought, she laid on top of him. He let out a playful groan as she fell on him. 

"And why weren't you at work today?" She asked him. 

"I didn't want to go." He laughed. That wasn't true, in the slightest. He took off because he almost treated a child as if he was an adult. 

"But you usually tell me." She replied. She was so comfortable. Her face was buried in his neck, and she felt as if she could go to sleep right now.

"I know, baby. There was just a lot to it." He said, trying to not make it seem so alarming, but it was. When a male student said something disrespectful about Taylor, Travis was ready to beat the kid's ass. Today, he needed to take a step back and reevaluate before he stepped foot back in the school. His emotions were still high off of the incident. After he called off this morning, he went back to sleep and slept in a bit longer. Around lunchtime, he finally got up from his bed, showered, put on clothes, and left his own house to go to Taylor's. He wanted to be at her place when she got home. 

Their relationship over the last few months had really been moving quickly. It felt as if they had been dating for years. They just fit together so nicely with each other. "I missed you, today. I felt a little lost without you dropping by for your daily kisses and hugs." She had gotten so used to him being there, she didn't know how to function without him there. His dropping by her class daily was a bit of a mental break and stress relief. Maybe that's why today felt more draining and longer than every other day. 

"Aw, I missed you today. I should have given you a heads up." He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back. The room fell silent, both of them taking in the peace. The TV was playing lightly in the background, but neither of them where listening to it. Taylor closed her eyes and just rested in his arms. In his arms she felt safe and comfort. 

"Why weren't you really at work today?" He knew it was coming. They had picked up on each other quickly. They could tell when the other was lying. When the other was trying to hide something. She felt him take a deep breath. 

"I let my emotions get the best of me." He told her truthfully. 

"What happened?" Her eyes were still closed. She still was laying peacefully. 

"Someone said something about you, and I almost did something I would have regretted." He admitted. They may have only been dating a short amount of time, but he wasn't going to tolerate anyone disrespecting her. She was the most kindhearted and loving person, and teacher, he had ever met. And anyone saying anything about her off the wall had to hear from him.

"Aw, babe. What did they say?" She asked. She was curious. What would bring him so out of character that he felt he was going to regret his actions?

"I rather not say." He told her. He did not want her to know. He especially did not want her to know that a student had said something so inappropriate and disgusting about her to another group of students. "It was absolutely disgusting, and I don't think you should know what was said or who said it. Just trust me when I say, I was ready to risk my job behind the statement."

"Ok." She took his response. If he felt it wasn't something she needed to hear, then maybe she didn't. Her feelings did get hurt pretty easily, and there was no need for him to tell her if he felt like it would hurt her. 

"What's for dinner?" He asked after a few more minutes of silence between the two of them. The silence that built up with them was always comfortable. It never felt like tension or awkward. He loved that. She loved that. 

"I don't know. What do you want to eat?" She asked. At the beginning of their relationship, she would have assumed he wanted her to cook something for the two of them, even though he had been off all day and could have made something for the two of them. But now, now that she knew him, and the way he worded his phrases, he meant what could they order off of DoorDash or what could they go out to get, as a mini date. 

"Kind of want sushi, honestly." He readjusted himself on the couch slightly. 

"That sounds good." She told him. This was the fastest she had ever agreed on something he suggested. Usually, it took a few attempts for them to agree on something. "Can we go to the place that does hibachi."

"Sure, babe." His hand was still rubbing up and down her back.

"Can I take a nap first?" She asked. She was really drained. And she didn't want to leave the place she was in currently. It was only around 3 PM anyway, since school released at 2:10 and she hightailed it out of there the second the bell rang. There were days when she was out of the school faster than the students were. 

"Sure, we can head out around 5?" Taylor just nodded her head. "Are you going to stay lying on me like this?" She nodded again. "Ok." He let out a little laugh. He was completely fine with that.

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