26.3: live. (m)

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continuation of humbled & its a party (m).


"Ok guys, it was great to bake with you today, but I think it's time for me to go for now," Taylor said to the almost 500K people that were in her livestream. She was bored and decided to go live for the first time in a while. She had made up her mind finally, not that she was out of previous relationship, she would do things to try to connect with her fans more again. Today she was baking cookies while she waited for Travis to get home from practice. "I'm going to try to do this more often when I have time. So, see you guys next time!" She waved at the camera, and ended the livestream.... or so she thought. 

She moved around the kitchen, humming and singing to herself as she started to straighten up the kitchen and clean the mess she had made. She heard the front door open and a smile crossed her face. It grew even bigger when he appeared in the kitchen. "Hey pretty, it smells good in here." He walked over to her, pulling her into him and kissing her. 

"I made cookies. How was practice." He placed another kiss to her lips before grabbing a cookie from the plate next to her phone. 

"It was good. Did some drills. Did some therapy." He told her. 

"For your knee?"

"Yeah." Taylor was going to ask him another question, but her phone rang and Tree's face appeared. Travis picked up her phone since she was still cleaning and answered it, putting the phone on speaker for her. 

"Hey." Taylor called across the kitchen. 

"You didn't end the Live." Tree's voice said and Taylor's heart sank. They had been so careful about keeping the beginnings of their relationship private, and she had just ruined it. 

"Wha....what do you mean?" Taylor asked, hoping she had heard her wrong. 

"You didn't end the Live. It was still going. You said goodbye, but you didn't end it. So everything you've been doing since you thought you ended up was broadcasted." 


"Ask me anything, I'll answer." Taylor was sure she was going to regret saying that, but she shrugged it off. How bad could the questions actually get? "Where's Travis?" She read the small words on the bottom of her cell phone screen. She picked up her phone and turned the camera so that Travis could be seen. "He is right here. Say hi, babe." She told him. 

"Sup guys," Travis said, eating the last of the food that was left on his plate.  Taylor turned the camera back towards her and propped her phone up. Since she had exposed herself on Instagram Live at the beginning of their relationship, she hadn't hit when she was with him or if he was around. It was so much more relaxing to just be honest and chill with her fans. 

"Our anniversary is the very beginning of August." Taylor let out a laugh seeing a comment. "I'm not announcing anything. I'm just bored and wanted to talk to you guys." Taylor said as a response to a comment saying that she never live-streamed unless she was dropping something. The other comments argued with the person making that comment, since she had been going live a bit more frequently now. "I know I trained you guys to think everything was an Easter Egg, but I promise nothing right now is. I just want to talk to you guys and answer questions."

"When is the album coming out? You'll just have to wait a see." Taylor answered, a smirk on her face as she did so. Her next album was nearly done, but she didn't want to start teasing yet. She wasn't sure just how much she liked what she had recorded so far. Would it have been good the way it was? Yes. Would it have been perfect? She had no clue. And since she had no clue. she was going with the answer being no. She wanted it to be perfect. 

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