1.0: love triangle.

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inspiration: love triangle by raelynn + lyrics: love triangle by raelynn

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some mamas and daddies don't even talk no more and some mamas and daddies let their heartstrings tear and tangle. and some of us get stuck and some of us grow up in a love triangle

Taylor watched her daughter staring out of the window as she waited for her father. Over the last few days, it seemed as if the five-year-old was dreading spending time with her dad, even though typically she was rather excited. She had always been a daddy's girl and seeing her seem the least bit disappointed about leaving worried her. "What's wrong, Avs?"

Avery looked back at her mother, her face still as somber as it had been before. "I don't like Kayla," Avery stated.

"Why? Did she do something to you?" Taylor wanted to know everything that Avery was thinking before she jumped to conclusions. She knew Travis wouldn't introduce their daughter to just anyone, especially if that person would cause any harm to their little ray of sunshine.

"No." Avery replied, lifting a small weight off of Taylor's chest. She didn't know what her reaction would be if Avery had said something different.

"Then why don't you like her?" Taylor asked, genuinely concerned with what her daughter may have been feelings that she hadn't expressed to either herself or her father.

"Because she took daddy away," Avery said quietly, putting her head down so she was no longer looking Taylor in the eyes.

"Oh, sweetheart," Taylor whispered as she pulled her baby girl into a hug. "Kayla didn't take daddy away." She knew that when Travis moved to a new city for a new job and to be closer to his new girlfriend, there would be a little bit of tension. Avery used to see her father every single day, whether it be when Travis picked her up from school in the afternoons or on a little weekend getaway. "Daddy moved for work," Taylor explained to her daughter, only telling half of the truth.

"But I don't want him to." Avery said a little louder than her normal speaking voice, with a stomp of her little feet.

"It's too late, babes. He already moved." Taylor told her daughter right as she heard a horn blow outside of her small three-bedroom home. The horn only meant Travis was outside and ready to take Avery for the weekend. Usually, she just watched her daughter walk out to the car and waved her off from the door, but she needed to tell Travis what had just occurred. Even if she didn't necessarily want to, she felt it was important for him to know that something was going on with their daughter. "Come on, daddy's here." Avery's face lit up a little bit at the mention of her father, but not as much as it would have if she didn't have this thought in her mind at the moment. Opening the door, she followed behind her little girl and walked her to her ex's car. It didn't take long for her to notice his girlfriend, Kayla, sitting in the passenger seat. She gave her a weak smile when they made eye contact, which got her an evil side eye from Kayla in return. She didn't know why Kayla acted this way towards her, but she hoped it wasn't because of something Travis told her about their past, especially since truthfully they didn't break up on bad terms and nothing about their relationship was toxic. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Taylor asked Travis as he rolled his window down, obviously sensing something needed to be said since Taylor both came out of the house and had a strange look on her face.

"Sure," He replied, unfastening his seat belt and removing himself from the car. Taylor slowly walked away, out of ear range from the car, mostly for her daughter's sake than anything else, as Travis helped his 5-year-old into the backseat. "What's up?" Travis asked, subconsciously pushing Taylor's hair out of her face and behind her ear, once he made his way over to where Taylor stood.

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