29.0: little more to love.

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Taylor's jaw dropped as she looked down at the pregnancy test, and before she knew it a smile was creeping onto her face. "Oh my God. Girls! Come here quick!" Giddy was an understand, she was over the moon with excitement. Before she could even open the bathroom door, she could hear 6 footsteps rushing in her direction. Her reaction probably worried them, but little did they know what they were about to find out.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt? Do I have to call an ambulance?" Blake asked, all in one breath. Taylor shook her head, the smile still growing on her face. "What then?" Blake raised an eyebrow, and Taylor couldn't help but notice the concerned faces on the other two girls.

"I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed, showing them the positive pregnancy test. Instantly the three other girls eyes grew 3 times the normal size.

"TAY!!! CONGRATULATION!" Selena said, jumping into Taylor's arms first. "I won't be the baby anymore." Selena put on a fake little pout but soon smiled.

"You'll always be my baby, Sel." Taylor let out a laugh. It was always the joke that she was the mother of the group and the other three were like her children, but now she was actually going to be a mother and have a little baby to take care of.

"Congrats babe. I didn't even know you were trying for a baby." Abigail said with a smile of her own, still standing on the outside of the bathroom door.

"We weren't, but we also weren't trying to prevent it from happening." Taylor had been married to Travis  for almost three years now, and they had talked about starting their own little family with kids and pets but neither of them was sure when they should start building on the idea. They were both in extremely successful careers and having children along for the ride while both of them were at the top of their game seemed unfair.

"I'm so happy. I get another little niece or nephew to love!" Selena chimed in. Taylor couldn't help but to take a mental picture of all of their faces. If they were this happy just knowing she was expecting, there was no telling how happy they were going to be when they actually had the little bundle to spoil to death. Knowing how the girls were, she could only imagine how they would be with her child. "How are you going to tell Trav?"

"I don't know. His birthday is coming up, maybe I can work something out for then." Taylor told them. She turned and picked up the cover for the pregnancy test and placed it on the test itself.

"You're going to hide this from him all that time?" Selena was by far the worst liar of the four of them and knowing this before Travis would probably stop her from coming over as often as she usually did so that she didn't slip and say something she wasn't supposed to.

"Yeah. Make it special. It would be a total surprise." She responded with a little shrug, turning the bathroom light off as she walked out and back into the living room with the girls. "Can you help me think of ideas of how to tell him?" Taylor looked at the time. Travis wouldn't be home for another few hours, which gave them plenty of time for her to not only hide the pregnancy test for the day of the reveal but for the girls to map out a few ideas she could do.


Taylor's eyes peeled open as the sun came through the bedroom window. She was lying safely in his arms, just like every other morning they woke up in their bed and not in two different cities. She rolled over, only to be greeted by his sleepy gaze. "Good morning." She said, in a hushed tone. Today was the day she was going to tell him about the little baby she had been carrying inside of her for at least 8 weeks now. Not knowing the exact amount of time she had been pregnant was killing her, but she refused to go see a doctor to have it confirmed until Travis knew and was able to go with her.

"Good morning, beautiful" His morning voice, huskier than his normal speaking voice, sent a chill down Taylor's spine. She loved his morning voice so much, and being able to hear it in person and not over the phone was always a treat. She couldn't wait for both of them to have their long breaks so that they could spend this type of morning together for a longer period of time.

"Happy birthday" Travis brought his hand up to her face, pushing her hair back as she spoke. He gave her a sleepy smile. They had been married three years, and he was still in awe of her beauty and the fact that he was able to call her his wife.

"Thank you, babe." He brought his face to hers, leaving a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I got you something special. Do you want it now or later once everyone gets here?" She was anxious to give him his present, but she also wanted to let him have the opinion to choose for himself.

"More presents? Wasn't last night enough?" Travis gave her a devilish smirk and ran one of his fingers down her bareback, making her shiver. She covered her face, but he could tell she was smiling under her hands. "You're the cutest girl in the world, do you know that?"

Taylor scrunched up her face without her signature smile attached to the expression. "As long as you tell me, I'll never forget it." She opened her eyes, only to peer back into his green ones. God, how she loved staring into his eyes. She could get lost in them so easily. "But, I need you to answer the question. Now or Later."

"If I say now does that mean you have to get out of bed to get it." Travis pulledher more into him, not wanting her to leave her spot.

"No, it's on the floor on your side of the bed." She told him, kissing him quickly, before he rolled over and reached over the side of the bed, feeling a large box.

"Babe, what is this?" He asked, sitting up to grab the box with both hands.

"You have to open it and see." She flashed him a smile. He gave her a questioning look but said nothing in return. She laid in her spot as she watched him open the large box, ripping the paper and throwing it to the floor. Travis's face was a bit confused when he opened the box and pulled out a teddy bear wearing a white onesie. "Read it."

Travis looked down at the words that were on the bear. "Hi Daddy!" He looked over at Taylor, whose smile was only widening as the time went on. "I may not be born yet, but you are going to be the best daddy a kid could ever have. I can't wait to meet you. Love, Your Baby." As Travis read the onesie, Taylor saw a smile grow on his face. As he finished reading he looked at her, a nervous laugh escaped his lips. "Are you serious?"

She nodded. "I'm pregnant." Travis's face lite up even more as Taylor confirmed the news and before she knew it, his body was connected to her, in a hug. He buried his face in her neck, leaving several kisses there before he looked her in the eyes again.

"We're going to have a baby." Travis's smile was so bright, Taylor wasn't sure she had seen him smile so big since the day of their wedding.

"We're going to have a baby." She repeated, just before his lips connected with hers again. "We're going to be parents to a little baby."

"I love you, I love you so much and I can't wait for our little baby to get here." Travis's hand went down to her stomach. He was so in love with her and he already loved this baby just as much.

"I love you, too."

"This is the best birthday present I have ever gotten," Travis said. Ever since he and Taylor had gotten together, he just knew this was going to be it for him. He always knew he wanted kids, but finding a person he actually wanted a baby with wasn't obvious until he met Taylor. "Nothing else I get today will top this."

"I love the look on your face right now." Taylor could see every bit of happiness he was feeling in his eyes and she was completely mesmerized by it. "I want to remember it forever."

"I'm sure you will get to see it at least 2 more times in your lifetime." Taylor laughed. She couldn't imagine a better reaction from him. She was so happy that he was so happy. This was the start of a new chapter in their lives and she couldn't be more excited for it. 

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